- Yi-Hsien Cheng, Yi-Jun Lin, Szu-Chieh Chen*, Shu-Han You, Wei-Yu Chen. Nan-Hung Hsieh, Ying-Fei Yang, Chung-Min Liao*. 2018. Assessing health burden risk and control effect on dengue fever infection in the southern region of Taiwan. Infection and Drug Resistance 11: 1423-1435.【SCI】
- Mu-Rong Chao, Marcus Cooke, Chung-Yih Kuo, Chih-Hong Pan, Hung-Hsin Liu, Hao-Jan Yang, Szu-Chieh Chen, Yi-Chen Chiang, Chiung-Wen Hu. 2018. Children are particularly vulnerable to environmental tobacco smoke exposure: evidence from biomarkers of tobacco-specific notrosamines, and oxidative stress. Environmental International 120: 238-245.【SCI】
- Szu-Chieh Chen*, Wen-Hsin Chang. 2018. Health risk assessment of BPA exposure via multiple exposure pathways on teenagers and adults in Taiwan. Austin Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 5(3): 1076.
- Szu-Chieh Chen*, Yan-Yi Tsai. 2018. Assessing consumer exposure to particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in parking areas. Austin Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 5(3): 1075.
- Shu-Han You, Szu-Chieh Chen, Chung-Min Liao*. 2018. Health-seeking behavior and transmission dynamics in the control of influenza infection among age groups. Infection and Drug Resistance 11: 331-343.【SCI】
- Yi-Hsien Cheng, Wei-Chun Chou, Ying-Fei Yang, Chi-Wei Huang, Chun Ming How, Szu-Chieh Chen, Wei-Yu Chen, Nan-Hung Hsieh, Yi-Jun Lin, Shu-Han You, Chung-Min Liao*. 2018. PBPK/PD assessment for Parkinson’s disease risk posed by airborne pesticide paraquat exposure. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25(6): 5359-5368.【SCI】
- Dih-Ling Luh, Cheng-Chieh Liu, Yun-Ru Luo, Szu-Chieh Chen*. 2018. Economic cost and burden of dengue during epidemics and non-epidemics years in Taiwan. Journal of Infection and Public Health S1876-0341(17): 30195-8.【SCI】
- Yi-Hsien Cheng, Shu-Han You, Yi-Jun Lin, Szu-Chieh Chen*, Wei-Yu Chen, Wei-Chun Chou, Nan-Hung Hsieh, Chung-Min Liao*. 2017. Mathematical modeling of postcoinfection with influenza A virus and Streptococcus pneumoniae, with implications for pneumonia and COPD-risk assessment. International Journal of COPD 12, 1973-1988.【SCI】
- Ya-Fang Tsai, Shih-Wang Wu*, Szu-Chieh Chen. 2017. Assessing the risk of turnover intention among hospital workers. International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences. 6(S1): 244-258.
- Nan-Hung Hsieh, Shun-Hui Chung, Szu-Chieh Chen, Wei-Yu Chen, Yi-Hsien Cheng, Yi-Jun Lin, Shu-Han You, Chung-Min Liao*. 2017. Anemia risk in relation to lead exposure in lead-related manufacturing. BMC Public Health 17, 389.【SCI】
- Yi-Jun Lin, Min-Pei Ling*, Szu-Chieh Chen, Wei-Yu Chen, Nan-Hung Hsieh, Yi-Hsien Cheng, Shu-Han You, Wei-Chun Chou, Chung-Min Liao*. 2017. Mixture risk assessment due to ingestion of arsenic, copper, and zinc from milkfish farmed in contaminated coastal area. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24(17): 14616-14626.【SCI】
- Hao-Jan Yang, Szu-Chieh Chen, Chiung-Wen Hu, Yi-Chen Chiang, Ching-Tsan Tsai, Pin-Yu Lin, Dian-Jheng Lai, Chung-Yih Kuo*. 2017. Estimation of students' exposure to metal concentrations during river-dust episodes for the years 1994-2012. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24(6): 5679-5689.【SCI】
- Yi-Chen Chiang, Hao-Jan Yang, Szu-Chieh Chen, Chiung-Wen Hu, Ching-Tsan Tsai, Dian-Jheng Lai, Chung-Yih Kuo*. 2016. Inhalation exposure of children to indoor PM10 and metals during river-dust episodes. Air Quality Atmosphere and Health 10(3): 381-388.【SCI】
- Chia-Chi Lung#, Szu-Chieh Chen#, Chia-Hsin Yang, Yu-Chieh Chen, Shih-Yu Chang*, Wen-Chang Tseng, Su-Ching Liu. 2016. Using atmospheric visibility to assess the effects of air pollution on hospital admissions for respiratory diseases. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 16: 2237-2244.【SCI】
- Dih-Ling Luh, Zhi-Shin You, Szu-Chieh Chen*. 2016. Comparison of the social contact patterns among school-age children in specific seasons, locations, and times. Epidemics 14: 36-44.【SCI】
- Wei-Yu Chen, Yi-Pei Shen, Szu-Chieh Chen*. 2016. Assessing bisphenol A (BPA) exposure risk from long-term intakes of dietary in Taiwan. Science of the total Environment 543: 140-146.【SCI】
- Wei-Yu Chen*,Yun-Ru Ju, Chia-Jung Lin, Jeng-Wei Tsai, Szu-Cheih Chen, Chung-Min Liao. 2015. Environmental stochasticity promotes copper bioaccumulation and bioenergetic response in tilapia. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 29: 1545-1555.【SCI】
- Szu-Chieh Chen, Nan-Hung Hsieh, Shu-Han You, Chien-Hua Wang, Chung-Min Liao*. 2015. Behavior response among educated young adults towards influenza A(H1N1) pdm09. Epidemiology and Infection 143(9): 1846-1857.【SCI】
- Szu-Chieh Chen*, Zhi-Shin You. 2015. Social contact patterns of school-age children in Taiwan: comparison of the term time and holiday periods. Epidemiology and Infection 143(6): 1139-1147.【SCI】
- Chung-Min Liao*, Tang-Luen Huang, Yi-Hsien Cheng, Wei-Yu Chen, Nan-Hung Hsieh, Szu-Chieh Chen, Chia-Pin Chio. 2015. Assessing dengue infection risk in the southern region of Taiwan: implications for control. Epidemiology and Infection 143(5): 1059-1072.【SCI】
- Min-Pei Ling, Chia-Hua Wu, Szu-Chieh Chen, Chia-Pin Chio, Yi-Hsien Cheng, Chung-Min Liao*. 2014. Probabilistic framework for assessing the arsenic exposure risk from cooked fish consumption. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 36(6): 1115-1128.【SCI】
- Szu-Chieh Chen*, Zhi-Shin You, I-Yun Chang. 2014. Probabilistic risk assessment of consumer exposure to particle-bound PAHs at a Taiwanese night market. International Journal of Environmental Research 8(3): 643-652.【SCI】
- Yen-Chu Chen, Wen-Chang Tseng, Jhin-Sin Lin, Wen-Hsin Chang, Szu-Chieh Chen*. Risk assessment related to dietary exposure of aluminum from imported candies and snack foods. The Society for Risk Analysis, Asia Conference 2018. Osaka, Japan, 13-14 March 2018.
- Yi-Ying Li, Pei-Hsuan Lu, Yun-Ru Luo, Dih-Ling Luh, Szu-Chieh Chen*. 2017. AssYi-Ying Li, Pei-Hsuan Lu, Yun-Ru Luo, Dih-Ling Luh, Szu-Chieh Chen*. 2017. Assessing BPA intake from canned food consumption based on web survey. SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, 7-11 May 2017.
- Yun-Ru Luo, Ying-Jen Chen, Pei-Hsuan Lu, Ting-Tzu Hsu, Yi-Ying Li, Szu-Chieh Chen*. Characteristic of particulate-PAHs emission from home-cooking process. Conference of International Society for Environmental Epidemiology and International Society of Exposure Science- Asia Chapter. Japan. Sapporo. June 26-29, 2016.
- Yan-Yi Tsai, Pei-Hsuan Lu, Cheng-Chieh Liu, Ting-Tzu Hsu, Yi-Ying Li, Fu-Yu Lo, Szu-Chieh Chen*. Exposure estimate and risk assessment of particle-PAHs in parking area. Conference of International Society for Environmental Epidemiology and International Society of Exposure Science-Asia Chapter. Japan. Sapporo. June 26-29, 2016.
- Dih-Ling Luh, Zhi-Shin You, Szu-Chieh Chen*. 2016. Social contact patterns among school-age children in Taiwan. Conference of Public Health and Medical Technology. Singapore. March 3-4, 2016.
- Shih-Yu Chang, Szu-Chieh Chen, Chia-Hsin Yang, Yu-Chieh Chen, Chung-Hao Cheng, Wen-Chang Tseng, Yu-Jen Tsai, Yu-Pei Wu, Guo-Chen Fang. Assessing the health risks of air pollutants on the respiratory system diseases depending on a direct and convenient indicator of atmospheric visibility. 9th Asian Aerosol Conference, Japen. June 24-June 25, 2015.
- 蔡育瑋、方亭予、陳詩潔*。不同食用油種類產生顆粒態多環芳香烴化合物(p-PAHs)之濃度差異分析。2018。第二十五屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2018細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與能見度改善研討會。台南(成功大學)。一○七年九月十四、十五日。
- 方亭予、蔡育瑋、陳詩潔*。不同烹飪方法產生顆粒態多環芳香烴化合物(p-PAHs)實測研究。2018。第二十五屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2018細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與能見度改善研討會。台南(成功大學)。一○七年九月十四、十五日。
- 李亦晨、陳詩潔*、羅韻茹。彰化某地區醫院二氧化碳(CO2)濃度實測研究。2016台灣公共衛生學會。台北(國防醫學大學)。中華民國一○五年十月十五、十六日。
- 楊佳興、張士昱*、陳詩潔、陳瑀婕、張書豪、鄭忠豪。以能見度的觀點探討空氣污染物對總呼吸系統疾病的影響。2014國際氣膠研究研討會暨細懸浮微粒PM2.5監測與管制策略研討會,高雄。中華民國一零三年九月二十六、二十七日。
- 陳詩潔*、游芷欣。國中學童每日接觸特性於地區上的差異:以臺中市與宜蘭縣為例。2014台灣公共衛生學會。台南。中華民國一零三年十月二十五、二十六日。
- 陳詩潔*、沈意佩。台灣國小學童飲食攝入雙酚A之暴露量評估。2014台灣公共衛生學會。台南。中華民國一零三年十月二十五、二十六日。