Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory


Mu-Rong Chao  |  Chiung-Wen Hu  |  International Cooperation   |  Core Facilities  |  Chinese Version  |


  Chiung-Wen Hu, Ph.D   Curriculum vitae  Publications  On-going projects


  1. Development of mass spectrometry-based methods for determining various aldehydes in cooking oils and their biomarkers formation in vivo. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, 2016/08/01~2019/07/31. (PI)

  2. Development and application of mass spectrometry-based biomarkers for assessing occupational exposure to nitrogen oxides. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, 2013/08/01~2016/07/31. (PI)

  3. Rapid detection and adverse health effects assessment of N-nitrosamines in food. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, 2011/08/01~2015/07/31. (Co-I)

  4. Development of multiple mass spectrometric biomarkers for assessing RNS/ROS and its application in human lung inflammation. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, 2010/08/01~2013/07/31. (PI)

  5. Clinical-scale high-throughput analysis of oxidative DNA lesions in various biological samples by isotope-dilution LC-MS/MS with on-line solid-phase extraction & international cooperation (2). Funded by National Science Council, 2008/08/01~ 2010/07/31. (PI)