Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory


Mu-Rong Chao  |  Chiung-Wen Hu  |  International Cooperation   |  Core Facilities  |  Chinese Version  |

  Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory was established in 2004 by the teachers and students from the departments of Public Health and Occupational Safety and Health in Chung Shan Medical University. In the viewpoint of in-vivo molecules measurement, our research group is aimed to explore the relation of hazards exposure to adverse health effects, and to develop measures for prevention and early diagnosis. In the past decade, the research work has been focused on (i) the method development of isotope-dilution LC-MS/MS coupled with online SPE for quantitative analysis of various DNA modifications and exposure biomarkers induced by environmental hazards, and (ii) the introduction of LC-MS/MS methods into the molecular epidemiology study.

   Recent research interests are as follows,

   1.Biomarkers of exposure and effect induced by tobacco and areca nut. (particular attention to the DNA adducts induced by their specific N-nitrosamines) 

   2.DNA modifications induced by oxidative and nitrosative stress and their potential application in clinical practice.

   3.The discovery/analysis of novel DNA modifications involved in epigenetic DNA modifications.

   4.DNA adductomics methodology development.

   5.Various N-nitrosamines analysis in food and its exposure assessment.



