何應瑞 教授

中山醫學大學 心理學系


  Ying-Jui Ho Ph.D.


   School of Psychology 

   Chung Shan Medical University


(Lab Introduction)


  (Lab Photo)


(International Activity)

[2006], [2007], [2010]



博 士: 台灣大學醫學院  生理學研究所

碩 士: 國防醫學院  生理學研究所

學 士: 高雄醫學院  藥學系



  1. Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) 俄羅斯國際事務部 審查委員

  2. 台中市政府、南投縣政府 毒防委員

  3. BrainX Corporation Founding Shareholder

  4. 瑞金抗齡基金會 發起董事

  5. 中山醫學大學 學務長 (2012- 2014)

  6. 中國生理學會 理事、秘書長  (2012- 2018 )

  7. 中山醫學大學附設醫院  附設醫院人體試驗委員會委員 (20120201- )

  8. 中山醫學大學 教師會 理事長 (20120101- 20120731)


9. 中山醫學大學附設醫院  附設醫院人體試驗委員會 獨立諮詢專家  (20110801- 20120731)

10. 中山醫學大學附設醫院  醫學研究部 顧問  (2009/09/01- )

11. 台灣神經調節學會  理事 (2007/12-- )

12. 德國 海德堡大學 Central Institute of Mental Health, Visiting Fellow

13. 中山醫學大學  課外活動組 組長 (2006/3--2008/2) 

14. 德國 Philipps University of Marburg, Department of Experimental and Physiological Psychology, Visiting Fellow

15. 扶輪教育基金受獎人聯誼會 04-05中區分會長;08-10總會副會長

16. 中華民國 空軍少尉

以動物實驗研究人類之疾病--刊登於德國報紙 2001年

2007率領中山醫學大學傑出社團領導人赴德國Marburg大學交流---刊登於德國報紙 (2007.07.19)




啟動 二期 臨床試驗:  Ceftriaxone 治療巴金森氏症失智


l         人體生理學

l         神經科學

l         生理心理學(神經解剖與生理)

l         神經生理學

l         神經與行為科學研究法


l         藥物濫用與防治 (通識:毒品的世界)

l         腦傷與行為 (通識:大腦與人類行為)  

l         心理藥物學


研究主題:探討神經精神疾病(特別是巴金森氏症、焦慮症及憂鬱症等)與精神藥物的神經機轉,也包括毒品的神經毒性。研究中以微透析技術(microdialysis)、放射線受體標定技術(receptor binding)、腦部冷凍切片(brain slice)、高壓液相層析(HPLC)、免疫組織化學染色(IHC)及Western blotELISA蛋白質測定法測量神經化學物質及神經功能之變化。

Research interest: Exploring the mechanism of neuropsychological disorders, such as, Parkinson’s disease, anxiety, and depression, as well as the topics on psychopharmacology and addiction

神經行為實驗室:運用高腳十字迷宮(elevated plus-maze)、開放空間行為測定儀(open field)、往復式觀察箱(shuttle box)、forced swim test等儀器輔助測定動物之行為表現,例如運動、學習、記憶、焦慮、憂鬱及攻擊等行為,並結合生化及分子生物學的技術,從分子層面深入探討神經免疫與心理功能。



推動二期臨床試驗 媒體報導  

Phase II Clinical Trial: Ceftriaxone treatment for Parkinson’s disease


近年來從事巴金森氏症(PD)相關主題之研究工作,釐清麩胺酸神經系統、NMDA受體與發炎性細胞激素在PD之病理生理角色[1-3],並且探討DCS對動物行為[4]及神經功能[5]之影響,已經確立以MPTP注射到大鼠中腦黑質體除了會破壞多巴胺神經系統,導致動物出現運動功能障礙之PD動物模式[6],也會引起腦部黑質體、紋狀體及海馬回內之微膠細胞活化及發炎性細胞激素濃度增加之現象[7],而且會造成海馬回神經細胞死亡,同時動物會出現情緒焦慮、學習障礙與認知功能缺陷等PDD的動物模式[8-10]本研究室首先證實DCS30100 mg/kg/day, i.p.)可以改善MPTP處理所誘發的PD動物之運動、焦慮及認知功能[9],而且DCS在劑量為10 mg/kg/day時,可以使MPTP處理之動物恢復情境記憶之功能,使動物可以整合事件之whatwherewhen等元素,執行相當高階的認知功能,更令人興奮的發現是:DCS可以降低PD動物腦部微膠細胞活化與神經退化現象[8-10]。但是很意外地,當DCS劑量為30 mg/kg/day時,卻無上述行為與神經學之效果[10],顯示DCS之「劑量-反應」關係可能並非單純的線性關係,這一點在臨床應用上值得注意。


Recent studies: Treating Neurodegenerative Disorders, Parkinson’s Disease, Dementia with Lewy Bodies, Seizure

We have recently engaged in the research on Parkinson’s disease (PD)-related topics to clarify the role of glutamatergic system, NMDA receptors, and inflammatory cytokines in pathophysiology of PD [1-3]. Moreover, the effects of D-cycloserine (DCS) on animal behavior [4] and neurological functions [5] have also been probed into. So far, the MPTP injected into the substantia nigra of rats has been known not only to destroy the dopaminergic system and cause motor dysfunction in PD animal model [6] but also elicit microglial activation and increased levels of inflammatory cytokines in the substantia nigra, striatum, and hippocampus [7]. In addition, MPTP causes neuronal cell death in the hippocampus, increase of anxiety level, learning disabilities, and cognitive dysfunction, which is thus suggested as an animal model of PDD [8-10]. Our laboratory is the first to have proven that DCS (30 and 100 mg/kg/day, i.p.) can improve locomotion, anxiety, and cognitive function in MPTP-induced PD animal model [11] and that DCS at dosage of 10 mg/kg/day ensure animals under MPTP treatment restore their episodic-like memory, a complicate cognitive function that integrates such elements as what, where, and when. Amazingly, findings also show that DCS reduces microglial activation and neurodegeneration in the brain of PD anima [8-10]. But surprisingly noted that when the DCS doses are at 30mg/kg/day, the above neurobehavioral effects are not observed [10]. Thus, the dose-response of DCS may not be linear, which is noteworthy in clinical applications.



Physiology, Pharmacology, Neuroscience, Neuropharmacology, Psychology, Biopsychology

Neurodegeneration, Parkinson’s disease, Dementia with Lewy bodies, Animal Study, Behavioral science, Cognitive function


RECENT Research work

A phase 2 clinical trial approved by US and Taiwan FDAs: applying ceftriaxone on neurodegeneration and dementia in Parkinson’s disease

頭孢曲松治療巴金森氏症失智  二期臨床試驗:  美國FDA核准 多國多中心試驗

Title: To Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Ceftriaxone in Patients With Mild to Moderate Parkinson's Disease DementiaTrial No.: BRICEFA20170414; Website: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?cond=&term=BRICEFA20170414&cntry=&state=&city=&dist=&Search=Search

Ceftriaxone is developed for the new indication to treat Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD). Ceftriaxone is the drug substance of Rocephin® approved by FDA in 1984 as a cephalosporin antibiotic to function as anti-bacterial infection. Ceftriaxone is a β-lactam antibiotic for treating respiratory tract infection, urinary tract infection, bacterial septicemia, and meningitis (Congeniet al., 1984). It has been reported that ceftriaxone upregulated expression of glutamate transporter-1(GLT-1) (Rothsteinet al.,2005), and several subsequent studies demonstrated the antiexcitotoxic potential of this compound (Chu et al.,2007).Neuroprotective effects of ceftriaxone have been demonstrated following 5 days of pretreatment with ceftriaxone(200 mg/kg/day)in the in vitro models of stroke (Lipskiet al., 2007). Treatment with ceftriaxone(200 mg/kg/day) for 7 or 14 days during hypoxic exposure was found to increase GLT-1 expression, resulting in sequestration of excess glutamate into glial cells, protection of neurons from excitotoxicity, and improved spatial memory retrieval (Hotaet al.,2009).However, nothing is known about the effects of ceftriaxone on cognitive behavior and neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease(PD)patients.

Since ceftriaxone increases GLT-1 expression and reuptake of released glutamate may thus reduce excitotoxicity, it may be useful for treating PD symptoms. Ceftriaxone was used to conduct in several nonclinical pharmacological studies to show the effects of ceftriaxone on working memory, object recognition, and neuroprotection in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-induced PD rat model, which demonstrated that ceftriaxone inhibited MPTP lesion-induced dopaminergic degeneration in the nigrostriatal system, microglial activation in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc), and cell loss in the hippocampal CA1 area. These results demonstrate that ceftriaxone prevents loss of neurogenesis in the brain of PD rats.



Ceftriaxone 治療路易士體失智症之效果

Ceftriaxone 治療巴金森氏症失智之療效

D-cycloserine 應用於治療巴金森氏症失智的療效

D-cycloserine 對憂鬱症動物模式其壓力行為之影響:NMDA受體的可能角色










學術著作 (Publication)

(A) 英文著作 (Referred Paper)

1.          Ho YJ* MS Shen, CH Tai, HH Li, JH Chen WC Liao, PY Chiu, IY Lee, CL Lin, CS Hung. Use of ceftriaxone in treating cognitive and neuronal deficits associated with dementia with Lewy bodies. Forntiers in in Neurosciences  (in press 20190502) (SCI).  

2.          Volgin AD, A Bashirzade, TG Amstislavskaya, OA Yakovlev, KA Demin, YJ Ho, D Wang, VA Shevyrin, D Yan, Z Tang, J Wang, M Wang, ET Alpyshov, N Serikuly, EA Wappler-Guzzetta, AM Lakstygal, AV Kalueff*. Dark classics in chemical Neuroscience: arecoline. ACS Chem Neurosci, 2019. E-pub Date: 2019/01/22, (in press, 2019). (SCI)

3.          Lai CL, WM Chi, YJ Ho, CC Lin, HC Lin, CL Kuo, JH Chen* Using a Numerical Method to Precisely Evaluate the Alpha Angle in a Hip Image. Med Biol Eng Comput, published online: 08 April, 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s11517-019-01973-4  (SCI)  

4.          Tai CH, M Bellesi, AC Chen, CL Lin, HH Li, PJ Lin, WC Liao, CS Hung*, RK Schwarting*, YJ Ho*. A new avenue for treating neuronal diseases: ceftriaxone, an old antibiotic demonstrating behavioral neuronal effects. Brain Res Res 364: 149- 156, Feb. 20, 2019. (SCI) <Review paper> 

5.          何應瑞*、許弘毅、張鳴宏、廖玟潔、林志立*、洪菁穗*。從路易氏體失智症之病理特徵找尋治療方法 (Exploring a therapeutic method for dementia with Lewy bodies based on the pathophysiology)台灣醫學雜誌 (in press, 2018)

6.          何應瑞*、沈枚萱、陳安芝、戴春暉、洪菁穗*、邱百誼*、賴德仁*。路易氏體失智症複雜的神經病理:頭孢曲松治療之潛力(Complicated pathophysiology of dementia with Lewy bodies: Therapeutic potential of ceftriaxone. Clinical Medicine 83(3): 185-93, 2019)臨床醫學雜誌 83(3): 185-93, 2019

7.          Kung WM, Ho YJ, H Yoshizawa, S Matsuo, CY Wei. Behavioural and cognitive changes in Lewy body dementia. Behavioural Neurology, vol. 2018, 2018. Article ID: 2404191, 2018. (SCI)

8.          Chang CC, TC Lin, HL Ho, HH Li, CY Kuo, TA Korolenko, WJ Chen, TJ Lai, YJ Ho*, CL Lin*. GLP-1 analogue Liraglutide attenuates mutant huntingtin-induced neurotoxicity by restoration of neuronal insulin signaling. Int J Mol Sci 19: 2505, 2018. (SCI)

9.          Ho YJ*, JC Weng, CL Lin, MS Shen, HH Li, WC Liao, NM Tsai, CS Hung*, TJ Lai*, IY Lee*. Ceftriaxone treatment for neuronal deficits: a histological and MEMRI study in a rat model of dementia with Lewy bodies. Behav Neurol 2018: 4618716, Aug. 2, 2018. (SCI) 

10.      Chang CC, HH Li, YT Chang, YJ Ho, LJ Hsieh, PY Chiu, YS Cheng, CL Lin, TJ Lai. Abeta exacerbates α-synuclein-induced neurotoxicity through impaired insulin signaling in α-synuclein-overexpressed human SK-N-MC neuronal cells. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics 24(1): 47-57, 2018. . DOI: 10.1111/cns.12772. Oct. 11, 2017. (SCI) 

11.      Chi WM,·CC Lin, YJ Ho, HC Lin, JH Chen*. Using nonlinear finite element models to analyse stress distribution during subluxation and torque required for dislocation of newly developed total hip structure after prosthetic impingement. Med Biol Eng Comput 56: 37- 47, 2018. (SCI)  

12.      Hsieh MH#, WY Meng#, WC Liao#, JC Weng, HH Li, HL Su, CL Lin*, CS Hung*, YJ Ho*. Ceftriaxone reverses deficits of behavior and neurogenesis in an MPTP-induced rat model of Parkinson’s disease dementia. Brain Res Bull 132: 129- 38, 2017. (SCI)  

13.      Tikhonova MA, SC Ho, AA Akopyan, NG Kolosova, JC Weng, WY Meng, CL Lin, TG Amstislavskaya, YJ Ho*. Neuroprotective effects of ceftriaxone treatment on cognitive and neuronal deficits in a rat model of accelerated senescence. Behav Brain Res, 330: 8-16, May. 12, 2017. (SCI)   

14.      Chen LY, TY Renn, WC Liao, FD Mai, YJ Ho, G Hsiao, AW Lee, HM Chang. Melatonin successfully rescues hippocampal bioenergetics and improves cognitive function following drug intoxication by promoting Nrf2-ARE signaling activity. J Pineal Res e12417, May. 2, 2017. (SCI)

15.      Weng JC, MA Tikhonova, JH Chen, MS Shen, WY Meng, YT Chang, KH Chen, KC Liang, CS Hung, TG Amstislavskaya, YJ Ho*. Ceftriaxone prevents the neurodegeneration and decreased neurogenesis seen in a Parkinson’s disease rat model: an immunohistochemical and MRI study. Behav Brain Res 305: 126-39, Mar 08, 2016 (SCI)   

16.      Lin CL, YS Cheng, HH Li, PY Chiu, YT Chang, YJ Ho, TJ Lai. Amyloid-β suppresses AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling 2 and contributes to α-synuclein-induced cytotoxicity. Exp Neurol 275: 84-98, 2016. (SCI) 

17.      Chi WM, CY Wang, LY Chen, YJ Ho, PJ Wu, JH Chen. Effects of Yuan Ji dance on standing balance control in community-dwelling middle-aged and elderly people. J Nan Kai, 12: 1, 21-30, 2015. 

18.      Huang CK, YT Chang, TG Amstislavskaya, MA Tikhonova, CL Lin, CS Hung, TJ Lai, YJ Ho*. Synergistic effects of ceftriaxone and erythropoietin on neuronal and behavioral deficits in an MPTP-induced animal model of Parkinson’s disease dementia. Behav Brain Res 294: 198-207, Aug 15, 2015. (SCI)

19.      Tikhonova MA, AV Romaschenko, AE Akulov, YJ Ho, NG Kolosova, MP Moshkinb, TG Amstislavskaya. Comparative study of perception and processing of socially or sexually significant odor information in male rats with normal or accelerated senescence using fMRI. Behav Brain Res. 294: 89-94, Aug. 12, 2015. (SCI)  

20.      Lin HC HC, WM Chi, YJ Ho, CC Lin, JH Chen. Theoretical Analysis of Total Hip Dislocation and Comparison of the Hemispherical Cup and a Newly Developed Cup. Med Biol Eng Comput 51(4): 397- 404, Apr. 1, 2015. (SCI, EI) 

21.      Tikhonova MA, CH Ting, NG Kolosova, CY Hsu, JH Chen, CW Huang, GT Tseng, CS Hung, PFu Kao, TG Amstislavskaya, YJ Ho*. Improving bone microarchitecture in aging with diosgenin treatment: a study in senescence-accelerated OXYS rats. Chin J Physiol 58(5): 322-31, Oct. 31, 2015 (SCI)    

22.      Hsu CY, CS Hung , HM Chang, WC Liao, SC Ho, YJ Ho*. Ceftriaxone prevents and reverses behavioral and neuronal deficits in an MPTP-induced animal model of Parkinson’s disease dementia. Neuropharmacol 91:43-56, 2015. (SCI)

23.      Chu SC, PN Chen, YJ Ho, CH Yu, YS Hsieh, DY Kuo*. Both neuropeptide Y knockdown and Y1 receptor inhibition modulate CART-mediated appetite control. Hormones and Behavior 67: 38-47, 2015. (SCI) 

24.      Lin WL, SM Wang, YJ Ho, HC Kuo, YJ Lee, TH Tsen. Ethyl acetate extract of Wedelia chinensis inhibits tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced damage in PC12 cells and D-galactose-induced neuronal cell loss in mice. BMC Complement Altern Med 14: 491, 2014. (SCI)

25.      Ho SC, CC Hsu, CR Pawlak, MA Tikhonova, TJ Lai, TG Amstislavskaya, YJ Ho*. Effects of ceftriaxone on the behavioral and neuronal changes in an MPTP-induced Parkinson's disease rat model. Behav Brain Res 268: 177-84, May 05, 2014. (SCI)

26.       Ho SC, CC Hsu, CH Yu, WN Huang, MA Tikhonova, MC Ho, CS Hung, TG Amstislavskaya, YJ Ho*. Measuring Attention in a Parkinson’s disease Rat Model using the 5-arm Maze Test. Physiology & Behavior 130: 176-81, May 05, 2014. (SCI)

27.      Tikhonova MA, CH Yu, NG Kolosova, LA Gerlinskaya, SO Maslennikova, AV Yudina, TG Amstislavskaya, YJ Ho*. Comparison of behavioral and biochemical deficits in rats with hereditary defined or D-galactose-induced accelerated senescence: Evaluating the protective effects of diosgenin. Pharmacol Biochem and Behav 120: 7-16, Feb. 1, 2014. (SCI)  

28.      Hung YT, MA Tikhonova, SJ Ding, PF Kao, HHC Lan, JM Liao, JH Chen, TG Amstislavskaya, and YJ Ho*. Effects of chronic treatment with diosgenin on bone loss in a D-galactose-induced aging rat model. Chin J Physiol 57(3): 121- 27, 2014. (SCI). 

29.      Lin HC, WM Chi, YJ Ho, JH Chen. Effects of design parameters of total hip components on the impingement angle and determination of the preferred liner skirt shape with an adequate oscillation angle. Med Biol Eng Comput 51(4): 397- 404, Apr. 1, 2013. (SCI)    

30.      Yang LH, YJ Ho, JF Lin, CW Yeh, SH Kao, LiS Hsu. Butein inhibits the proliferation of breast cancer cells through generation of reactive oxygen species and modulation of ERK and p38 activities. Molecular medicine reports 6(5):1126-32, Nov. 2012. (SCI)

31.      Hsia CH, CH Wang, YW Kuo, YJ Ho, HL Chen. Fructo-oligosaccharide systemically diminished D-galactose-induced oxidative molecule damages in BALB/cJ mice. British Journal of Nutrition 107: 1787–92, 2012. (SCI).

32.      Lin HC, WM Chi, YJ Ho, JH Chen*. Effects of design parameters of total hip components on the impingement angle and determination of the preferred liner skirt shape with an adequate oscillation angle. Med Biol Eng Comput 51(4): 397- 404, Apr. 1, 2013. (SCI). 

33.      Hsia CH, CH Wang, YW Kuo, YJ Ho, HL Chen. Fructo-oligosaccharide systemically diminished D-galactose-induced oxidative molecule damages in BALB/cJ mice. British Journal of Nutrition 107: 1787–92, 2012. (SCI).

34.      Hsieh MH, SC Ho, KY Yeh, CR Pawlak, HM Chang, YJ Ho*, TJ Lai*, FY Wu. Blockade of metabotropic glutamate receptors inhibits cognition and neurodegeneration in an MPTP-induced Parkinson's disease rat model. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 102: 64-71, 2012. (SCI).

35.      Pawlak CR, FS Chen, FY Wu, YJ Ho*. Potential of D-cycloserine in the treatment of behavioral and neuroinflammatory disorders in Parkinson’s disease and studies that need to be performed before clinical trials. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 28(8): 407-17, Aug. 16, 2012. (SCI).

36.      Ho YJ*, FL Chen, SM Liu, AL Wang, YC Li, TJ Lai, SS Huang. Effects of chronic resistive airway loading on behavioral changes in rats. Chin J Physiol 55(4): 245-252, Aug. 31, 2012. DOI: 10.4077/CJP.2012.BAA044 (SCI).

37.      Ho YJ*, SY Tai, CR Pawlak, AL Wang, CW Cheng, MH Hsieh. Behavioral and IL-2 Responses to Diosgenin in Ovariectomized Rats. Chin J Physiol 55(2): 91-100, 12 Apr, 2012. (SCI).

38.      Pawlak CR, BD Karrenbauer, P Schneider, YJ Ho. The elevated plus-maze test: differential psychopharmacology of anxiety-elated behavior. Emotion Review 4(1):98-115, Jan. 24, 2012. (SCI)  

39.      Hsieh MH, SL Gu, SC Ho, CR Pawlak, CL Lin, YJ Ho*, TJ Lai, FY Wu. Effects of MK-801 on recognition and neurodegeneration in MPTP-induced Parkinson’s rat model. Behav Brain Res 229(1): 41-47, Jan. 10, 2012 (SCI)

40.      Schneider P, WF Wolfgang, N Schweinfurth, YJ Ho, A Sartorius, R Spanagel, CR Pawlak. Central metabolite changes and activation of microglia after peripheral interleukin-2 challenge. Brain Behav Immun, 26(2): 277-83, Feb. 1, 2012. (SCI)

41.      Chang CC, TC Kuan, YY Hsieh, YJ Ho, YL Sun, CS Lin. Effects of diosgenin on myometrial matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 activity and expression in ovariectomized rats. Int J Biol Sci 7: 837-847, July. 7. 2011. (SCI)

42.      Schneider P, YJ Ho, R Spanagel, CR Pawlak. A novel elevated plus-maze procedure to avoid the one-trial tolerance problem. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 5(43):1-8, July 27, 2011. (SCI)

43.      Ho YJ*, SC Ho, CR Pawlak, KY Yeh. Effects of D-cycloserine on MPTP-induced behavioral and neurological changes: potential for treatment of Parkinson's disease dementia. Behavioural Brain Research 219(2): 280-90, 2011. (SCI)  

44.      Huang GJ, SC Ho, CK Lai, SL Gu, MH Hsieh, YJ Ho*. D-cycloserine reverses recognition deficits in MPTP-induced Parkinson’s disease mice model. Proceedings of XVII International Congress of Neuropathology, pp 31-35, 2010.  (September 11-15, 2010, Salzburg, Austria)     

45.      Ho SC, GJ Huang, CK Lai, SL Gu, MH Hsieh, Ho YJ*. MPTP-induced animal model of Parkinson’s disease dementia: there are species differences. Proceedings of XVII International Congress of Neuropathology pp 23-29, 2010.  (September 11-15, 2010, Salzburg, Austria)

46.      Sy HN, SL Wu, WF Wang, CH Chen, YT Huang, YM Liou, CS Chiou, CR Pawlak, YJ Ho*. MPTP-induced dopaminergic degeneration and deficits in object recognition in rats are accompanied by neuroinflammation in the hippocampus. Pharmacol Biochem and Behav 95:158-165, Feb. 26, 2010. (SCI).

47.      Wang AL, YM Liou, CR Pawlak, YJ Ho*. Involvement of NMDA receptors in both MPTP-induced neuroinflammation and deficits in episodic-like memory in Wistar rats. Behav Brain Res 208: 38-46, Mar. 17th, 2010. (SCI).

48.      Wang WF, SL Wu, YM Liou, AL Wang, CR Pawlak, YJ Ho*. MPTP lesion causes neuroinflammation and deficits in object recognition in Wistar rats. Behavioral Neuroscience 123(6): 1261-70, Dec. 17th, 2009. (SCI). 

49.      Karrenbauer BD, YJ Ho, V Ludwig, J Löhn, R Spanagel, RKW Schwarting, CR Pawlak. Time-dependent effects of striatal interleukin-2 on open field behaviour in rats. Journal of Neuroimmunology 208: 10-18, Mar. 31, 2009. (SCI).

50.      Bauhofer A, YJ Ho, A Schmitt, M Köster, RKW Schwarting, CR Pawlak. Individual behavioral differences in recovery from abdominal sepsis in rats. Inflammation Research 58:1-9, Feb. 5, 2009. (SCI).

51.      Lee SD, WW Kuo, YJ Ho, AC Lin, CH Tsai, HF Wang, CH Kuo, AL Yang, CY Huang, JM Hwang. Cardiac Fas-dependent and mitochondrial dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rats. Maturitas 61:268-77, Nov. 20, 2008. (SCI).

52.      Chiang CY, KY Yeh, SF Lin, H Hsuchou, MY Tai, YJ Ho*, YF Tsai. Effects of alcohol on the mouse-killing behavior of olfactory bulbectomized rats. Chinese Journal of Physiology 51(6): 408-13, Dec. 31, 2008. (SCI)

53.      Chen JH, JSS Wu, HC Lin, SL Wu , WF Wang, SK Huang, YJ Ho*. Dioscorea improves the morphometric and mechanical properties of bone in ovariectomized rats. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 88: 2700-06, Oct. 7. 2008. (SCI)  

54.      Pawlak CR*, YJ Ho*, R. K.W. Schwarting*. Animal models of human psychopathology based on individual differences in novelty-seeking and anxiety. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 32: 1544-68, Oct. 10. 2008. (SCI)

55.      Lee YT, WF Wang, CW Cheng, SL Wu, CR Pawlak, YJ Ho*. Effects of escapable and inescapable stressors on behavior and interleukin-2 in the brain. Neuroreport 19(12): 1243-47, Aug. 6. 2008. (SCI)  

56.      Hsieh YS, SF Yang, SC Chu, YJ Ho, CS Kuo, DY Kuo. Transcriptional interruption of cAMP response element binding protein modulates superoxide dismutase and neuropeptide Y-mediated feeding behavior in freely moving rats. Journal of Neurochemistry 105: 1438-1449, May. 2008. (SCI)

57.      Wu SL, LS Hsu, WT Tu, WF Wang, YT Huang, CR Pawlak*, YJ Ho*. Effects of D-cycloserine on the behavior and ERK activity in the amygdala: Role of individual anxiety levels. Behavioral Brain Research 187(2): 246-53, Mar. 5. 2008. (SCI)

58.      Ho YJ*, WY Hsu, CF Wang, T Tseng, CW Cheng, YC Hung, CC Hsu, MD Kao, YF Tsai. Psychoimmunological effects of dioscorea in the ovariectomized rats: role of anxiety level. Annals of General Psychiatry 6:21, Aug. 10, 2007.

59.      Wang WF, YP Lei, T Tseng, WY Hsu, CF Wang, CC Hsu, YJ Ho*. Effects of apomorphine on the expression of learned helplessness behavior. Chinese Journal of Physiology 50(2): 63-68, Apr. 30, 2007. (SCI).

60.      Chen LM, WW Kuo, JJ Yang, SG Wang, YL Yeh, FJ Tsai, YJ Ho, MH Chang, CY Huang, SD Lee. Eccentric cardiac hypertrophy was induced by long-term intermittent hypoxia. Experimental Physiology 92(2):409-16 Mar. 2007. (SCI).  

61.      Ho YJ*, LS Hsu, CF Wang, WY Hsu, TJ Lai, CC Hsu, YF Tsai. Behavioral effects of D-cycloserine in rats: the role of anxiety level. Brain Res 1043: 179-185, May. 2005. (SCI).   

62.      Ho YJ, KH Chen, MY Tai, YF Tsai. MK-801 suppresses muricidal behavior but not locomotion in olfactory bulbectomized rats: involvement of NMDA receptors. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 77: 641-46, Mar. 2004. (SCI).   

63.      Ho YJ, H Hsuchou, HA Shui, MY Tai, KH Chen, YF Tsai. Effects of desipramine and MK-801 on components of muricidal behavior in olfactory bulbectomized rats: an application of incisor-cutting animal model. Neurosci Res Comm 34(3): 136-43, May. 2004. (SCI).

64.      Ho YJ, CR Pawlak, LH Ku, RKW Schwarting. Acute and long-term consequences of single MDMA administration in relation to individual anxiety levels in the rat. Behav Brain Res 149: 135-44, Mar. 2004. (SCI).   

65.      Pawlak CR, YJ Ho, RKW Schwarting, A Bauhofer. Relationship between striatal levels of interleukin-2 mRNA and plus-maze behaviour in the rat. Neurosci Lett 341: 205-08, May. 2003. (SCI).   

66.      Ho YJ, J Eichendorff, RKW Schwarting. Individual response profiles of male Wistar rats in animal models of anxiety and depression. Behav Brain Res 136: 1-12, Oct. 2002. (SCI).

67.      Hsuchou H, YJ Ho, HA Shui, MY Tai, KH Chen, YF Tsai. Effects of incisor cutting on muricidal behavior induced by olfactory bulbectomy in rats. Physiol and Behav 76 (4-5): 669-75, Aug. 2002. (SCI).   

68.      Ho YJ, TM Liu, MY Tai, CS Wong, YF Tsai. Effects of olfactory bulbectomy on the density of NMDA receptors in rat’s brain: [3H] MK-801 binding assay. Brain Res 900: 214-18, May. 11, 2001. (SCI)

69.      Ho YJ, YC Chang, TM Liu, MY Tai, CS Wong, YF Tsai. Striatal glutamate release during novelty exposure-induced hyperactivity in olfactory bulbectomized rats. Neurosci Lett 287 (2): 117-20, Jun. 23, 2000. (SCI)   


(B) In Chinese with English Abstract


1.          何應瑞*、沈枚萱、陳安芝、戴春暉、洪菁穗*、邱百誼*、賴德仁*。路易氏體失智症複雜的神經病理:頭孢曲松治療之潛力(Complicated Pathophysiology of Dementia with Lewy Bodies: Therapeutic Potential of Ceftriaxone)臨床醫學雜誌 (in press, 2018) 

2.          何應瑞*、許弘毅、張鳴宏、廖玟潔、林志立*、洪菁穗*從路易氏體失智症之病理特徵找尋治療方法( Exploring a Therapeutic Method for Dementia with Lewy Bodies based on the Pathophysiology)台灣醫學雜誌 (in press, 2018)

3.          何應瑞*許兆畬、陳福士、洪菁穗、賴德仁。紅血球生成素之神經保護效果:應用於治療巴金森氏症失智為例。澄清醫護管理雜誌11(3): 37-42, Jul, 2015. (Neuronal protection of erythropoietin: a possible application in Parkinson’s disease dementia. Cheng Ching Medical Journal 11(3): 37-42, Jul, 2015) 

4.          廖丹瑜、洪櫻慈、周璟言、黃冠達、何詩君、黃國洲、張思毅、徐詩惠、吳聲輝、廖娟妙何應瑞* 。增加麩胺酸轉運子之表現對巴金森氏症大鼠的認知缺陷之效果。中華民國生醫材料及藥物致放學會2012年會論文集,Apr., 2012, TaipeiLiao TY, YT Hung, CY Chou, GD Huang, SH Ho, GJ Huang, SY Chang, SH Hsu, SH Wu, JM Liao, YJ Ho*. Effects of enhancing glutamate transporter expression on cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson's disease rat model. Biomaterials and Drug Delivery Systems 2012 Annual Meeting and Symposium, Apr., 2012, Taipei.

5.          陳福士、黃國洲、吳富英、何應瑞*Amantadine抑制巴金森氏症失智及NMDA受體於其中所扮演之角色:文獻回顧與探討。臨床醫學 68(5): 386-92, Nov. 1, 2011   

6.          莊婷、謝明鴻、陳福士、吳富英、何應瑞*D-cycloserine加強暴露療法治療恐懼症之文獻回顧。台灣醫學 15(6): 1-11, Jun 21, 2011. 。【Chuang T, MH Hsieh, FS Chen, FY Wu, YJ Ho*. D-cycloserine facilitates the effects of exposure therapy on phobias. Formosan J Medicine 15(6): 1-11, Jun 21, 2011. (in Chinese with English abstract).

7.          何應瑞*、巫錫霖、王文甫、施曉雅、黃耀庭。巴金森氏症患者的幻覺及其可能的神經心理機轉。台灣醫學 14(1): 88-96, Jan. 1st, 2010。【YJ Ho*, Wu SY, Wang WF, Sy HN, Huang YT. Hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease: the possible neuropsychological mechanisms, Formosan J Medicine 14(1): 88-96, Jan. 1st, 2010. (in Chinese with English abstract).

8.          何應瑞*、巫錫霖、王文甫、黃耀庭、鄭鈞文。麩胺酸神經系統與神經免疫功能在巴金森氏症失智的可能角色。台灣醫學 13(1): 100-06, Jan. 1st. 2009(CCH grant 93118 and 92521; NSC 96-2320-B-040-019) Ying-Jui Ho*, Shey-Lin Wu, Wen-Fu Wang, Yao-Ting Huang, Chun-Wen Cheng. Role of glutamatergic and neuroimmunological function in the dementia in Parkinson’s disease. Formosan J Medicine 13(1): 100-06, Jan. 1st. 2009

9.          王慶福、游顯妹、王郁茗、何應瑞、曾淑梅。配合生理回饋之放鬆訓練對重症加護病房護理人員焦慮反應之影響效果【The effects of biofeedback-assisted relaxation on nursing staffs with anxiety reaction in ICU, Chung Shan Medical Journal】。中山醫學雜誌18(2): 241-53, Dec. 2007

10.      王慶福、鍾麗珍、王郁茗、何應瑞、賴德仁。生理回饋訓練與放鬆訓練對大學生焦慮與憂鬱反應之影響效果 (Effect of biofeedback training and relaxation training on anxiety and depressive reactions of college students, Chung Shan Medical Journal)。中山醫學雜誌18(2): 255-70, Dec. 2007 

11.      黃秋谷、王慶福、徐文鈺、何應瑞*、黃耀庭、賴德仁。影響神經功能並參與情感疾病之發炎物質:心理神經免疫學之基礎。臨床醫學月刊58(1):51-56, Jul. 2006Huang CK, CF Wang, WY Hsu, YT Huang, TJ Lai, YJ Ho*. Inflammatory substances affecting neuronal function and affective disorders: fundamentals of psychoneuroimmunology. Clinical Medicine 58(1): 51-56, Jul. 2006. (in Chinese with English abstract)

12.      何應瑞*、蔡元奮。麩胺酸神經系統在憂鬱症中可能的角色:以嗅球被切除之大鼠為動物模式所得的證據。台灣精神醫學雜誌 19(1): 5-18, Mar. 2005. (TSSCI). YJ Ho*, YF Tsai. Possible Role of Glutamatergic System in Depression: Evidence from Animal Model of Olfactory Bulbectomized Rats. Taiwanese J Psych 19(1): 5-18, Mar. 2005.

13.      杜瑋庭、曾鼎、王安莉、鍾宛玲、林俊成、許立松、徐文鈺、王慶福、何應瑞*NMDA受體在D-cycloserine對焦慮行為作用之角色。台灣醫學 9(2): 173-179, Mar. 2005.Tu WT, T Tseng, AL Wang, WL Chung, CC Lin, LS Hsu, WY Hsu, CF Wang, YJ Ho. Effects of D-cycloserine on anxiety behavior: role of NMDA receptor. Formosan Journal of Medicine 9(2): 173-197, Mar. 2005.) (in Chinese with English abstract)

14.      黃秋谷、王慶福、徐文鈺、賴德仁、何應瑞*。麩胺酸神經系統NMDA受體在精神分裂症之角色:作用在甘胺酸結合位之藥物所得的證據。臨床醫學月刊 55(4): 253-258, Apr. 2005. Huang CK, CF Wang, WY Hsu, TJ Lai, YJ Ho*. Role of glutamatergic NMDA receptor in schizophrenia: evidence from drugs acting at the glycine binding site. Clinical Medicine 55(4): 253-258, Apr. 2005. (in Chinese with English abstract)

15.      黃秋谷、何應瑞*。搖頭丸:危險的急性中毒與棘手的慢性中毒。臨床藥學雜誌10 (2): 49-62, 2002. (Huang CK, YJ Ho*. “Ecstasy”, its dangerous acute-effects and long-term toxicity. Formosa J Clinic Pharmacy 10 (2): 49-62, 2002. (in Chinese with English abstract))

16.      何應瑞*。山藥,植物性的賀爾蒙。常春月刊 164:90-93, 1996 Ho YJ. Dioscorea, Phytohormone. Evergreen 164:90-93, 1996. (in Chinese with English abstract) 


(C) 專利  Patent



1.          發明人:何應瑞、陳建宏。申請人:中山醫大、江文舜。發明名稱:A use of pharmaceutical composition comprising erythropoietin and ceftriaxone in the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of Parkinson's disease dementia. Japan, 日本專利(已核准)

2.          發明人:何應瑞、陳建宏。申請人:中山醫大、江文舜。發明名稱:A use of pharmaceutical composition comprising erythropoietin and ceftriaxone in the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of Parkinson's disease dementia. Australia 澳洲專利 (專利號碼:104112897) <專利期: 2016.04.20.- 2036.04.19.>

3.          發明人:何應瑞、陳建宏。申請人:中山醫大、江文舜。發明名稱:使用一包含有頭孢曲松與紅血球生成素的組合來治療和/或預防巴金森氏症失智(Treatment and/or prevention of Parkinson’s disease dementia with a combination of ceftriaxone and erythropoietinTaiwan, 台灣專利(專利證號: I558410) <專利期:2016.11.21- 2035.04.21> 

4.          何應瑞*,申請人:何應瑞、中山醫大。名稱:用於治療神經退化性疾病之醫藥組合物 (Pharmaceutical compositions for treatment of neurodegenerative disorders). Taiwan, 台灣專利 (專利字號: 發明第I544923) (Taiwan)   

5.          何應瑞*,申請人:何應瑞、中山醫大。名稱:用於治療神經退化性疾病之醫藥組合物 (Pharmaceutical compositions for treatment of neurodegenerative disorders). Taiwan, 台灣專利 (專利字號:發明第I544923) (Taiwan) 

6.          發明人:陳建宏、何應瑞。申請人:中山醫學大學。發明名稱:全人工髖關節結構。台灣專利。核准審定書:(105)智專一()04486字第10520740900 (Taiwan)

7.          發明人:何應瑞。專利權人:中山醫學大學、晉亞化工廠。專利名稱:使用頭孢曲松來治療和/或預防巴金森氏症失智(Treatment and / or prevention of Parkinson’s disease dementia with ceftriaxone)美國專利號:US 9,326,988 B2 (USA)

8.          Treatment and/or prevention of parkinson’s disease dementia with ceftriaxone, China (專利字號:ZL2012101549642) 。發明人:何應瑞。專利權人:中山醫學大學、晉亞化工廠。用頭孢曲松製備治療和/或預防巴金森氏症失智的醫藥品的用途。中國專利 (China)  

9.          Instrument for measuring and training animal attention, Taiwan, ROC (專利字號:M433088)。中華民國新型專利:何應瑞、鴻剛實業股份有限公司。專利名稱:動物注意力訓練及測量裝置 (Taiwan)

10.      Composition containing diosgenin and use thereof to improve at least one of cognitive deficits associated with menopausal syndrome, China (專利字號:ZL 201110100440.0)。中國專利。發明人:何應瑞*、陳建宏。專利權人:中山醫學大學、何應瑞、晉亞化工廠。專利名稱:使用薯蕷皂素來改善停經症候群有關聯的認知缺陷。(China)

11.      Improvement of cognitive deficit associated with menopausal syndrome with diosgenin(專利字號:I422378)中華民國發明專利。發明人:何應瑞*、陳建宏。專利權人:中山醫學大學。專利名稱:使用薯蕷皂素來改善與停經期症候群有關聯的認知缺陷。(Taiwan)



(D) 會議摘要 Conference Abstracts (超過100篇) (more than 100 conference abstracts)     


1.          Tseng LH*, Ho YJ. Five-arm maze performance in mice following the gestational and lactational exposure to decabrominated diphenyl ether (BDE-209). the 8th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, from July 14-18, 2012. Barcelona, Spain

2.          Ho YJ*, YC Hung, CY Chou, SC Ho, GJ Huang, TY Liao, GD Huang, SH Hsu, SH Wu. Glutamatergic blockades diminish behavioral and neuronal deficits in Parkinson’s disease rat model . Bilateral Russian-Taiwanese Seminar Jul 2, 2012. Novosibirsk, Russia

3.          Ho YJ*, YC Hung, CY Chou, SC Ho, GJ Huang, TY Liao, GD Huang, SH Hsu, SH Wu. Effects of glutamatergic blockade on behavioral and neuronal changes in Parkinson’s disease rat model. The 7th Conference of Siberian Physiologists. Jun. 27-29, 2012, Krasnoyarsk, Russia 

4.          Tikhonova MA, TG Amstislavskaya, NG Kolosova, YJ Ho. Aging-induced behavioral and biochemical deficits: evaluating the protective effects of diosgenin. BIT’s 3rd Annual Word Congress of NeuroTalk-2012, May. 18-20, 2012, Beijing, China

5.          廖丹瑜、洪櫻慈、周璟言、黃冠達、何詩君、黃國洲、張思毅、徐詩惠、吳聲輝、廖娟妙何應瑞 。增加麩胺酸轉運子之表現對巴金森氏症大鼠的認知缺陷之效果。中華民國生醫材料及藥物製放學會2012年會,Apr. 28, 2012, Taipei.

6.           Hsu SH, SC Ho, GJ Huang, SH Wu, CY Chou, YC Hung, TY Liao, GD Huang, SY Chang, YJ Ho*. Effects of modulation GLT-1 expression on cognition deficits in Parkinson's disease rat model. 27屆生物醫學年會,Mar. 17-18, 2012, 台北 

7.           Chou CY, YC Hung, TY Liao, GD Huang, KY Yeh, YF Tsai, YJ Ho*, NG Kolosova, MA Tikhonova, TG Amstislavskaya. Behavioral comparisons between D-galactose-induced aging and senescence-accelerated OXYS rat models. Taiwanese Psychology Association 50th Conference, Oct. 15-16, 2011, Tai-Chung, Taiwan. 

8.           Huang GJ, SC Ho, SL Gu, CY Chou, YC Hung, KY Yeh*, YJ Ho*. Role of metabotropic glutamate receptors in  cognitive function in MPTP-induced Parkinson’s disease animal model. Taiwanese Psychology Association 50th Conference, Oct. 15-16, 2011, Tai-Chung, Taiwan.

9.           Ho YJ*, SC Ho, GJ Huang, SL Gu, CY Chou, YC Hung, TY Liao, GD Huang, CW Lin, KY Yeh. Role of glutamatergic system in Parkinson’s disease dementia: animal study. Taiwanese Psychology Association 50th Conference, Oct. 15-16, 2011, Tai-Chung, Taiwan.  

10.        Gu SL, CKuo Lai, GJ Huang, SC Ho, CY Chou, YC Hung, CW Lin, YJ Ho. Effects of MK-801 on recognition and neurodegeneration in MPTP-induced Parkinsons rat model. Taiwanese Psychology Association 50th Conference, Oct. 15-16, 2011, Tai-Chung, Taiwan.  

11.        Yu CH, KL Wang, RL Hsu, YJ Ho, PS Wang. Modulation of diosgenin on the testosterone production and sperm motility of D-galactose-induced aging rat model. The 7th Congress of the Federations of Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies (FAOPS), Sep. 11-14, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.

 專題研究計畫 Research Projects

計畫名稱 Project Title





探討路易氏體失智症之機轉以利診斷與治療: 麩胺酸神經系統過度活化之角色  [MOST 106-2410-H-040 -003 -MY2]



2017.08.01.- 2019.07.31

MEMRI測量路易氏體失智症大鼠腦部神經活性:行為神經科學研究  Detecting neuronal activity in rat model of dementia with Lewy bodies by using MEMRI: a neuronal behavioral study [CSH-2017-C-007]  


2017.01.01- 2017.12.31

捐贈研究室基金(漢鼎股份有限公司)-何應瑞 [M1040019] 

工作計畫代碼: M0150006

2016.07.01- 2017.06.30


Nerve regeneration by mitochondria transplantation in a sciatic nerve degeneration [NCHU-CSMU-10502] 


2016.05.1- 2016.12.31

BDNF基因變異(Val66Met)對原發性痛經患者的睡眠品質與腦部結構與功能的影響 [10501-62-046]  

台北市政府統籌款計畫Taipei City Government, Taiwan

2016.01.01- 2016.12.31

探討路易氏體失智症之AMPK-Sirt1訊息傳遞在α-synuclein蛋白神經毒性加成效應中可能扮演的角色 [Synergistic effect of Aβ on α-synuclein-related neurotoxicity in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB): investigating the putative role of AMPK-Sirt1 signaling] [MOST 104-2314-B-040 -007-MY2] 



2015.07.01- 2017.07.31

紅血球生成素對於路易氏體失智症的神經新生效用:以大鼠為動物模型 [104-2815-C-040-065-H] 


2015.07.01- 2016.02.28

紅血球生成素對路易氏體失智症大鼠黑質體之細胞凋亡的影響 [104-2815-C-040-066-H]  


2015.07.01- 2016.02.28

建立路易氏體失智症大鼠動物模式:探討β類澱粉蛋白對於α-synuclein沈積及其精神經毒性之影響 Establishing a rat model of dementia with Lewy bodies: role of amyloid β protein in α-synuclein aggregation and neurotoxicity CSH-2015-C-005] 



2015.01.01- 2015.12.31

探討頭孢曲松在巴金森氏症動物模式提升認知功能與神經保護之機轉  Elucidating the mechanisms underling neuroprotection and improvement of cognitive function with ceftriaxone treatment in PD animal models [MOST 104-2923-H-040-001-MY3]  [The work was partially supported by RFBR grant No. 15-54-52029 ННС_a.]

俄羅斯聯邦科學院生理與基礎醫學研究所Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution, Scientific Research Institute of Physiology and Basic Medicine, Novosibirsk 630117, Russia  



2015.01.01- 2017.12.31

原發性痛經患者長期週期性痛經所引發之腦部形態學變化與主觀睡眠知覺之相關性研究 Relationship between subjective sleep perception and brain morphological changes associated with cyclic menstrual pain in primary dysmenorrheal [編號:10401-62-046]    

台北市政府統籌款計畫Taipei City Government, Taiwan

2015.01.01- 2015.12.31


Evaluating the effects of ceftriaxone and erytropoeitine on Parkinson’s disease dementia: a brain image and neurobehavioral study  [MOST 103-2410-H-040-002-MY2]



2014.08.01- 2016.07.31


Effects of modulating glutamatergic activity and neurogenesis on Parkinson’s disease dementia: establishing clinical potential based on animal study  [NSC 102-2410-H-040-004] 



2013.08.01- 2014.07.31

藥理性調節麩胺酸神經訊遞在MPTP 所誘發之巴金森氏症動物神經退化及行為缺陷之效果:進階研究 [NSC 101-2410-H-040-003] 



2012/08/01 ~ 2013/08/31




2012/06/25 ~ 2013/07/11

探討麩胺酸神經系統代謝性受體在巴金森氏症合併失智症之角色:動物前置試驗 (Role of glutamatergic metabotropic receptor in MPTP-induced Parkinson’s disease dementia: a pilot study on the animals) 賴德仁、何應瑞、協同廖尹鐸 [CSH-2012-C-029]



2012/01/01 ~ 2012/12/31

藥理性調節麩胺酸神經訊遞在MPTP所誘發之巴金森氏症動物神經退化及行為缺陷之效果  Effects of pharmacological manipulation of glutamatergic transmission on neurodegeneration and behavioral deficits in MPTP-induced Parkinson’s disease animal model  [NSC 100-2410-H-040-003]  



2011/08/01 2012/07/31

老化所引發之神經退化與行為缺陷之關係:探討薯蕷皂苷之保護功能 Aging-induced neurodegeneration and behavioral deficits: evaluating the protective effects of diosgenin [NSC 100-2923-H-040-009-MY3]

台俄國際合作計畫RFBR (11-04-92009-HHC_a)




2011/08/01 2014/07/31


Studying the effects of D-cycloserine on behavioral deficits and neuroinflammation in Parkinson’s disease: preliminary basic research  [NSC 99-2410-H-040-008] 



2010/08/01 2011/07/31

一個新的環境污染議題:十溴聯苯醚影響後代發育、神經行為及腦部蛋白質體學之探討 3/3 [NSC 97-2221-E-127 -003 -MY3]



2010/08/01 2011/07/31

銀杏萃取物對社交隔離所引起之行為缺陷的影響  [NSC 99-2410-H-241 -004]



2010/08/01 2011/07/31

薯蕷皂甘元對切除卵巢雌鼠之骨形態及機械特性功效之探討  [NSC 99-2221-E-040 -006] 



2010/08/01 2011/07/31

探討ceftriaxone治療巴金森氏症動物之神經退化與行為缺陷的效果 Exploring the effects of ceftriaxone on neurodegeneration and behavioral deficits in Parkinson’s disease animal model  [98-產學37]


/晉亞化工/ 主持人

2010/07/01 ~ 2011/06/30

以動物為模式探討麩胺酸神經系統在MPTP誘發神經行為功能異常之角色 Exploring the role of glutamatergic system in MPTP-induced neuro-behavioral deficits: an animal study [CSH-2010-C-020] 



2010/01/01 ~ 2011/12/31


Studying the role of glutamatergic systems on MPTP-induced neuronal inflammation and behavioral deficits: establishing an animal model for dementia in Parkinson’s disease  [NSC98-2410-H-040-003-]



2009/08/01 ~ 2010/07/31

一個新的環境污染議題:十溴苯醚影響後代發育、神經行為及腦部蛋白質體學之探討(2/3年計畫)[NSC 97-2221-E-127 -003 -MY3]



2009.08.01- 2010.07.31

一個新的環境污染議題:十溴苯醚影響後代發育、神經行為及腦部蛋白質體學之探討(1/3年計畫)[NSC 97-2221-E-127 -003 -MY3]



2008.08.01- 2011.07.31


Studying the effects of amantadine on episodic-like memory: possible role in Parkinson’s disease dementia [097-CCH-CSMU-14]  


2008.08.1- 2009.07.31

探討動物焦慮程度之個體差異是否影響其腦內ERKD-cycloserine之反應性(大專生:吳玉莟;計畫編號:97-2815-C-040 -035-H 



2008.07.01- 2009.02.28

心理壓力對於動物面對急性生理壓力時腦內細胞激素IL-2之影響 Role of psychological stress in the acute physical stress-induced changes of IL-2 in the brain [計畫編號92137]


2008.01.01- 2008.12.31

Evaluating the effects of amantadine on the neuroimmunological function in Parkinson’s disease: role of glutamatergic system in the degenerative dementia  評估amantadine對巴金森氏症神經免疫功能之影響:麩胺酸神經系統在神經退化性失智症之角色 (NSC 96-2320-B-040-019)



2007.08.01- 2008.07.31

Effects of inescapable stress on the neuroimmunological function: role of dopaminergic system and brain cytokines in depression animal model 



2007.01.01- 2007.12.31

多巴胺轉運蛋白和NMDA受體遺傳基因多型性與巴金森氏病之失智症易感受性研究【子計畫A;並以動物模式探討麩胺酸神經系統在巴金森氏症所引發神經免疫反應之角色【子計畫B】(第二年)(Chang-Hua Christian Hospital, CCH grant 93118)



2006.01.01- 2007.12.31

台德雙方合作研究計畫人員交流計畫PPP  DAAD/NSC Project Based Personnel Exchange Program  計畫編號:0950042882P;核定編號:96-2911-I-040-00



2007.01.01- 2007.12.31

Studying the effects of diosgenin on the neuroimmunological function of menopausal rats: also evaluating the response on the cell level  探討薯蕷皂甘對停經大鼠之神經免疫功能的影響:一併探討細胞層面之效果 (NSC 95-2320-B-040-009) 



2006.08.01- 2007.07.31


DAAD/NSC Project Based Personnel Exchange Program 計畫編號:0940042882




2006.01.01- 2007.12.31

多巴胺轉運蛋白和NMDA受體遺傳基因多型性與巴金森氏病之失智症易感受性研究【子計畫A;並以動物模式探討麩胺酸神經系統在巴金森氏症所引發神經免疫反應之角色【子計畫B】(第一年)(Chang-Hua Christian Hospital, CCH grant 93118) 


2006.01.01- 2007.12.31

Effects of inescapable stress on the neuroimmunological function of rats: preliminary study  不可逃避之壓力對大鼠神經免疫功能的影響:初探(C950006) 


2006.01.01- 2006.12.31

Study on the behavioral and psychoneuroimmunological effects of dioscorea in menopausal rats: also evaluating the responses on the cell level 



2003.08.01- 2006.07.31




2005.01.01- 2007.02.28


2017 台北國際發明展 金牌

2017 特殊優秀人才獎Special Talents Award of Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C 科技部103年度獎勵特殊優秀人才 受獎期間2016.08.01 2017.07.31

2017 教學優秀教師獎 中山醫學大學醫學科技學院(106學年度)

2015 Special Talents Award 科技部103年度獎勵特殊優秀人才 受獎期間2015.08.01 2016.07.31

2014 Special Talents Award 科技部103年度獎勵特殊優秀人才 受獎期間2014.08.01 2015.07.31

2014 Super Teacher Award (Teachers Union of Taichung, 2015) 

2013 103學年度台中市SUPER教師】

2013 Outstanding Teaching Award, National Science Consul (國科會補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才獎勵) 受獎期間2013.08.01 2014.07.31

2012 Outstanding Teaching Award, Chung Shan Medical University (中山醫學大學101學年度教學績優 全校前10%) 

2012 Outstanding Teaching Award, National Science Consul

         (國科會補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才獎勵) 受獎期間2012.08.01 2013.07.31

2005 Aristotle Research Award, The International Society on Brain and Behaviour

2003 Award of Outstanding Scientific Achievement and Presentation, Neuroscience Society

2001 Visiting Scholar of NSC and DAAD

2000 Award of Scholarship from Chung Hwa Rotary Educational Foundation

1993 Award of Scholarship from Academic Research Foundation 

(E) 學位論文 (Thesis)

  1.  Ho YJ: Glutamatergic system in the amygdala and striatum is involved in the mouse-killing behavior and novelty exposure-induced hyperactivity in olfactory bulbectomized rats. 2002.

  2. Ho YJ: Effects of excitatory amino acid and antipsychotics, haloperidal and amperozide, on dopamine transmission in rat’s nucleus accumbens and striatum. 1994.  


(F) 專書 (Books)

1. 王春美、何應瑞、施柯念、秦作威、高婷玉、溫小娟、葉睿毅、廖美華、滿庭芳、駱明潔、盧敏吉、顏惠芷。新編生理學。華格那企業有限公司,2004年,台中市。

2. 吳莉玲、朱冠州、何應瑞生理學精要藝軒圖書出版社,2003年,台北市。(ISBN 9576167108)

3. 吳莉玲、何應瑞生理學精華。藝軒圖書出版社,2002年,台北市。(ISBN 9576166799)


(G) 其他 (Others)

1. 何應瑞: 精神分裂症多巴胺假說的演進

2. 何應瑞: 生理心理學介紹


山藥與更年期相關研究著作 (Dioscorea & menopause topics)

1. Ho YJ*, SY Tai, CR Pawlak, AL Wang, CW Cheng, MH Hsieh. Behavioral and IL-2 Responses to Diosgenin in Ovariectomized Rats. Chinese Journal of Physiology (Apr. 12, 2011, in press) (SCI) (薯蕷皂苷影響停經動物之行為及腦內IL-2含量)

3. Lee SD, WW Kuo, YJ Ho, AC Lin, CH Tsai, HF Wang, CH Kuo, AL Yang, CY Huang, JM Hwang. Cardiac Fas receptor-dependent and mitochondrial dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rats. Maturitas 61:268-77, 2008. (SCI), PDF (停經後加速心肌細胞凋亡及心臟腫大可能因此導致心臟衰竭)

4.Chen JH, JSS Wu, HC Lin, SL Wu , WF Wang, SK Huang, YJ Ho*. Dioscorea improves the morphometric and mechanical properties of bone in ovariectomized rats. J Sci Food Agr 88: 2700-06, Oct. 7. 2008. (SCI), PDF (山藥改善停經後之骨質疏鬆,增加骨骼強度)

5.Ho YJ*, WY Hsu, CF Wang, T Tseng, CW Cheng, YC Hung, CC Hsu, MD Kao, YF Tsai. Psychoimmunological Effects of Dioscorea in the Ovariectomized Rats: Role of Anxiety Level. Annals of General Psychiatry 6:21, Aug 10, 2007.  獲頒歐洲亞理斯多德研究獎Aristotle Research Award, PDF (山藥降低停經後之焦慮與憂鬱,改善中樞神經免疫功能)

6.何應瑞*山藥,植物性的賀爾蒙。常春月刊  164:90-93, 1996。 (Ho YJ. Dioscorea, Phytohormone. Evergreen 164:90-93, 1996.


聯絡方式 Contact

Ying-Jui Ho  CV

E-mail: joshuayjho@gmail.com





TEL: +886-4-2473-0022 ext.11858

FAX: +886-4-2324-8191

address: 台中市南區(402)建國北路一段110號

                中山醫學大學 心理學系


Dr. Ying-Jui, Ho

School of Psychology

Chung Shan Medical University

No. 110, Sec. 1, Chien-Kuo N. Rd.

Tai-Chung City 402, Taiwan, ROC