C1 Segment of Spinal Cord

1.          Gracile fasciculus¡]Á¡ª¬§ô¡^

2.          Cuneate fasciculus¡]·¤ª¬§ô¡^

3.          Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve¡]¤T¤e¯«¸g¯áÅè®Ö¡^

4.          Spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve¡]¤T¤e¯«¸g¯áÅè®|¡^

5.          Posterior spinocerebellar tract¡]«á°¼¯áÅè¤p¸£®|¡^

6.          Lateral corticospinal tract¡]¥~°¼¥Ö½è¯áÅè®|¡^

7.          Uppermost root of the spinal accessory nerve¡]¯áÅè°Æ¯«¸gªº³Ì¤W®Ú¡^

8.          Medullary reticurospinal tract¡]©µÅèºôª¬¯áÅè®|¡^

9.          Lateral vestibulospinal tract¡]¥~°¼«e®x¯áÅè®|¡^

10.      Pontine reticurospinal tract¡]¾ô¸£ºôª¬¯áÅè®|¡^

11.      Anterior root of nerve C1¡]C1¯«¸gªº«e®Ú¡^

12.      Tectospinal tract¡]¥|Å|Åé¯áÅè®|¡^

13.      Medial vestibulospinal tract¡]¤º°¼«e®x¯áÅè®|¡^

14.      Anterior corticospinal tract¡]«e°¼¥Ö½è¯áÅè®|¡^

15.      Anterolateral pathway¡]«e¥~°¼®|¸ô¡^

16.      Central autonomic pathway¡]¤¤¥¡¦Û¥D®|¸ô¡^

17.      Posterolateral tract of Lissauer¡]Lissauer¤ó«á¥~°¼®|¡^--- The raphespinal tract arises in the midline of the upper medulla oblongata, descends bilaterally within the posterolateral tract of Lissauer, and terminates in the posterior gray horn at all spinal segmental levels. The raphespinal tract is significant in relation to ¡§gate control¡¨ of pain.


Spinomedullary Junction

1.          Central canal and central gray matter¡]¤¤¥¡ºÞ»P¤¤¥¡¦Ç½è¡^

2.          Gracile fasciculus¡]Á¡ª¬§ô¡^

3.          Paramedian column of the reticular formation¡]ºôª¬µ²ºcªº¥¿¤¤®Ç¬W¡^

4.          Cuneate fasciculus¡]·¤ª¬§ô¡^

5.          Spinal nucleus and tract of the trigeminal nerve¡]¤T¤e¯«¸g¯áÅè®Ö»P¯áÅè®|¡^

6.          Posterior spinocerebellar tract¡]«á°¼¯áÅè¤p¸£®|¡^

7.          Lateral column of the reticular formation¡]ºôª¬µ²ºcªº¥~°¼¬W¡^

8.          Medullary and pontine reticurospinal tracts¡]©µÅè»P¾ô¸£ºôª¬¯áÅè®|¡^

9.          Lateral and medial vestibulospinal tracts¡]¥~°¼»P¤º°¼«e®x¯áÅè®|¡^

10.      Lateral corticospinal tract¡]¥~°¼¥Ö½è¯áÅè®|¡^

11.      Anterior corticospinal tract¡]«e°¼¥Ö½è¯áÅè®|¡^

12.      Pyramidal decussation¡]À@Åé¥æ¤e¡^

13.      Anterolateral pathway¡]«e¥~°¼®|¸ô¡^

14.      Anterolateral corticospinal tract¡]«e¥~°¼¥Ö½è¯áÅè®|¡^

15.      Pyramidal tract¡]À@Åé®|¡^

16.      Spinal lemniscus¡]¯áÅè¿á¨t¡^

17.      Posterolateral tract of Lissauer¡]Lissauer¤ó«á¥~°¼®|¡^--- The raphespinal tract descends bilaterally within the posterolateral tract of Lissauer, and is significant in relation to ¡§gate control¡¨ of pain.

18.      Central autonomic pathway¡]¤¤¥¡¦Û¥D®|¸ô¡^

19.      Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF)¡]¤º°¼Áa§ô¡^


Middle Part of Medulla Oblongata

1.          Central canal and central gray matter¡]¤¤¥¡ºÞ»P¤¤¥¡¦Ç½è¡^

2.          Hypoglossal nucleus¡]¦Þ¤U¯«¸g®Ö¡^

3.          Gracile fasciculus¡]Á¡ª¬§ô¡^

4.          Gracile nucleus¡]Á¡ª¬®Ö¡^

5.          Solitary tract and nucleus¡]©t¥ß®|»P®Ö¡^

6.          Cuneate fasciculus¡]·¤ª¬§ô¡^

7.          External cuneate nucleus¡]·¤ª¬¥~®Ö¡^

8.          Posterior spinocerebellar tract¡]«á°¼¯áÅè¤p¸£®|¡^

9.          Spinal nucleus and tract of the trigeminal nerve¡]¤T¤e¯«¸g¯áÅè®Ö»P®|¡^

10.      Cuneate nucleus¡]·¤ª¬®Ö¡^

11.      Cranial root of the spinal accessory nerve¡]¯áÅè°Æ¯«¸gªºÆ`®Ú¡^

12.      Lateral vestibulospinal tracts¡]¥~°¼«e®x¯áÅè®|¡^

13.      Nucleus ambiguus¡]ºÃ®Ö¡^

14.      Pontine reticurospinal tracts¡]¾ô¸£ºôª¬¯áÅè®|¡^

15.      Hypoglossal nerve¡]¦Þ¤U¯«¸g¡^

16.      Internal arcuate fibers¡]¤º¤}ª¬ÅÖºû¡^

17.      Sensory decussation¡]·Pı¥æ¤e¡^

18.      Medial lemniscus¡]¤º°¼¿á¨t¡^

19.      Pyramidal tract¡]À@Åé®|¡^

20.      Inferior olivary nucleus¡]¤U¾ñÆV®Ö¡^

21.      Lateral reticular formation¡]¥~°¼ºôª¬µ²ºc¡^

22.      Spinal lemniscus¡]¯áÅè¿á¨t¡^

23.      Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF)¡]¤º°¼Áa§ô¡^

24.      Raphespinal tract¡]Á_®Ö¯áÅè®|¡^--- The raphespinal tract is moving toward the surface and then descends within the posterolateral tract of Lissauer at lower levels.

25.      Paramedian reticular formation¡]¥¿¤¤®Çºôª¬µ²ºc¡^

26.      Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus¡]°g¨«¯«¸g­I°¼¹B°Ê®Ö¡^

27.      Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (DLF)¡]­I°¼Áa§ô¡^


Upper Part of Medulla Oblongata

1.          The forth ventricle¡]²Ä¥|¸£«Ç¡^

2.          Hypoglossal nucleus¡]¦Þ¤U¯«¸g®Ö¡^

3.          Medial vestibular nucleus¡]¤º°¼«e®x®Ö¡^

4.          Inferior vestibular nucleus¡]¤U°¼«e®x®Ö¡^

5.          Solitary nucleus¡]©t¥ß®Ö¡^--- Afferents in the glossopharyngeal nerve (8) include GVA from the oropharynx, terminating in this nucleus.

6.          Inferior cerebellar peduncle¡]¤U¤p¸£¸}¡^

7.          Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve¡]¤T¤e¯«¸g¯áÅè®Ö¡^--- Also seen are glossopharyngeal fibers (8) entering the spinal tract and nucleus of the trigeminal nerve; these are activated by GSA from an area of the external ear posterior to the tragus and helix.

8.          Glossopharyngeal nerve¡]¦Þ«|¯«¸g¡^

9.          Inferior salivary nucleus¡]¤U³è²G¸¢®Ö¡^

10.      Nucleus ambiguus¡]ºÃ®Ö¡^

11.      Paramedian reticular formation¡]¥¿¤¤®Çºôª¬µ²ºc¡^--- Cells of this area at this level give rise to the medullary reticurospinal tract seen at lower levels.

12.      Pontine reticurospinal tract¡]¾ô¸£ºôª¬¯áÅè®|¡^

13.      Hypoglossal nerve¡]¦Þ¤U¯«¸g¡^

14.      Magnus raphe nucleus¡]¤j²Ó­MÁ_®Ö¡^ --- This nucleus sends a fountain of serotoninergic fibers into both raphespinal tracts. They seek the bilateral posterolateral tracts of Lissauer and are significant in relation to ¡§gate control¡¨ of pain.

15.      Pyramidal tract¡]À@Åé®|¡^

16.      Medial lemniscus¡]¤º°¼¿á¨t¡^

17.      Accessory olivary nucleus¡]°Æ¾ñÆV®Ö¡^

18.      Inferior olivary nucleus¡]¤U¾ñÆV®Ö¡^--- The principle cells of this (18) and above (17) nuclei give rise to the olivocerebellar tract which crosses the midline and enters the opposite inferior cerebellar peduncle.

19.      Spinal lemniscus¡]¯áÅè¿á¨t¡^

20.      Retroambiguus nucleus¡]«áºÃ®Ö¡^--- This nucleus is the expiratory center¡]©I®ð¤¤¤ß¡^.

21.      Chemoreceptive area¡]¤Æ¾Ç±µ¨ü°Ï¡^--- This area contains neurons sensitive to the carbonic acid levels in the overlying cerebrospinal fluid.

22.      Rubro-olivary fibers¡]¬õ®Ö¾ñÆV®ÖÅÖºû¡^

23.      Inspiratory center¡]§l®ð¤¤¤ß¡^--- It is a group of reticular neurons in the solitary nucleus.

24.      Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus¡]°g¨«¯«¸g­I°¼¹B°Ê®Ö¡^

25.      Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF)¡]¤º°¼Áa§ô¡^

26.      Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (DLF)¡]­I°¼Áa§ô¡^


Pontomedullary Junction

1.          The forth ventricle¡]²Ä¥|¸£«Ç¡^

2.          Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (DLF)¡]­I°¼Áa§ô¡^

3.          Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF)¡]¤º°¼Áa§ô¡^

4.          Lateral and superior vestibular nuclei¡]¥~°¼»P¤W°¼«e®x®Ö¡^

5.          Lateral vestibulospinal tract¡]¥~°¼«e®x¯áÅè®|¡^

6.          Dorsal cochlear nucleus¡]­I°¼¦Õ½½¯«¸g®Ö¡^

7.          Pontine reticurospinal tract¡]¾ô¸£ºôª¬¯áÅè®|¡^

8.          Inferior cerebellar peduncle¡]¤U¤p¸£¸}¡^

9.          Spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve¡]¤T¤e¯«¸g¯áÅè®|¡^

10.      Ventral cochlear nucleus¡]¸¡°¼¦Õ½½¯«¸g®Ö¡^

11.      Cochlear nerve¡]¦Õ½½¯«¸g¡^

12.      Vestibular nerve¡]«e®x¯«¸g¡^

13.      Lateral reticular nucleus¡]¥~°¼ºôª¬®Ö¡^

14.      Basilar pons¡]°ò©³¾ô¸£¡^

15.      Facial nerve¡]ÃC­±¯«¸g¡^

16.      Ventral trigeminothalamic tract¡]¸¡°¼¤T¤e¥C¸£®|¡^--- This tract comprises axons that originate in the spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve and cross to accompany the spinal lemniscus. It is homologue, for the head and upper neck regions, of the lateral spinothalamic tract, signaling painful, thermal and/or light touch stimulation of peripheral nerve endings.

17.      Abducens nerve¡]¥~®i¯«¸g¡^

18.      Superior olivary nucleus¡]¤W¾ñÆV®Ö¡^

19.      Caudal pontine reticular nucleus¡]§À°¼¾ô¸£ºôª¬®Ö¡^ --- It, together with the oral pontine reticular nucleus at a higher level, gives rise to the pontine reticurospinal tract.

20.      Trapezoid body¡]±×¤èÅé¡^

21.      Medial lemniscus¡]¤º°¼¿á¨t¡^

22.      Pyramidal tract¡]À@Åé®|¡^

23.      Transverse pontine fibers¡]¾ô¸£¾î¦æÅÖºû¡^

24.      Nuclei pontis¡]¾ô¸£®Ö¡^

25.      Spinal lemniscus¡]¯áÅè¿á¨t¡^

26.      Ventral trigeminothalamic tract¡]¸¡°¼¤T¤e¥C¸£®|¡^

27.      Lateral lemniscus¡]¥~°¼¿á¨t¡^

28.      Central tegmental tract¡]¤¤¥¡»\®|¡^--- It, containing rubro-olivary fibers, continues its descent from the ipsilateral red nucleus to the inferior and accessory olivary nuclei.

29.      Superior cerebellar peduncle¡]¤W¤p¸£¸}¡^

30.      Solitary tract and nucleus¡]©t¥ß®|»P®Ö¡^

31.      Pontine raphe nucleus¡]¾ô¸£Á_®Ö¡^--- From this nucleus, serotoninergic fibers are distributed to the pons and cerebellum.

32.      Fibers of hypothalamic origin¡]·½¦Û¤Uµø¥CªºÅÖºû¡^--- They are descending in the DLF (2).



1.          The forth ventricle¡]²Ä¥|¸£«Ç¡^

2.          Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF)¡]¤º°¼Áa§ô¡^

3.          Facial colliculus¡]ÃC­±¯«¸g¥C¡^

4.          Abducens nucleus¡]¥~®i¯«¸g®Ö¡^

5.          Paramedian pontine reticular formation¡]¥¿¤¤®Çºôª¬µ²ºc¡^--- PPRF or pontine gaze center enables saccades (glances) toward the same side.

6.          Superior cerebellar peduncle¡]¤W¤p¸£¸}¡^

7.          Superior vestibular nucleus¡]¤W°¼«e®x®Ö¡^

8.          Lateral vestibular nucleus¡]¥~°¼«e®x®Ö¡^

9.          Inferior cerebellar peduncle¡]¤U¤p¸£¸}¡^

10.      Spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve¡]¤T¤e¯«¸g¯áÅè®|¡^

11.      Medial vestibular nucleus¡]¤º°¼«e®x®Ö¡^

12.      Gustatory (taste) fibers¡]¨ýıÅÖºû¡^--- They leave the intermediate nerve to enter the uppermost part of the solitary tract and nucleus (gustatory nucleus) (27).

13.      Superior salivary nucleus¡]¤W³è²G¸¢®Ö¡^ is sending secretomotor fibers (13) alongside the gustatory fibers.

14.      Intermediate nerve¡]¤¤¶¡¯«¸g¡^

15.      Superior olivary nucleus¡]¤W¾ñÆV®Ö¡^

16.      Paramedian reticular formation¡]¥¿¤¤®Çºôª¬µ²ºc¡^

17.      Abducens nerve¡]¥~®i¯«¸g¡^

18.      Trapezoid body¡]±×¤èÅé¡^

19.      Longitudinal pontine fibers¡]¾ô¸£Áa¦æÅÖºû¡^--- The pyramidal tract is parceled into fascicles by transverse fibers

20.      Corticopontine fibers¡]¥Ö½è¾ô¸£ÅÖºû¡^--- They continue to synapse upon pontine nuclei (23).

21.      Medial lemniscus¡]¤º°¼¿á¨t¡^

22.      Ventral trigeminothalamic tract¡]¸¡°¼¤T¤e¥C¸£®|¡^

23.      Nuclei pontis¡]¾ô¸£®Ö¡^

24.      Spinal lemniscus¡]¯áÅè¿á¨t¡^

25.      Lateral lemniscus¡]¥~°¼¿á¨t¡^

26.      Central tegmental tract¡]¤¤¥¡»\®|¡^

27.      Gustatory nucleus¡]¨ýı®Ö¡^

28.      Pontine raphe nucleus¡]¾ô¸£Á_®Ö¡^--- It is sending serotoninergic fibers to supply the pons and cerebellum.

29.      Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (DLF)¡]­I°¼Áa§ô¡^


Upper Pons

1.          The forth ventricle¡]²Ä¥|¸£«Ç¡^

2.          Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (DLF)¡]­I°¼Áa§ô¡^

3.          Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF)¡]¤º°¼Áa§ô¡^

4.          Oral pontine reticular nucleus¡]¤f°¼¾ô¸£ºôª¬®Ö¡^ --- It gives rise to the pontine reticurospinal tract.

5.          Superior cerebellar peduncle¡]¤W¤p¸£¸}¡^

6.          Lateral parabrachial nucleus¡]¥~°¼Áu®Ç®Ö¡^--- Cells of the parabrachial nuclei lie adjacent the superior cerebellar peduncle. The lateral parabrachial nucleus receives input mainly from general visceral nuclei in caudal regions of the nucleus solitarius. The medial parabrachial nucleus receives afferents from the gustatory nucleus. Then, they transfer the information to the thalamus, hypothalamus and amygdala.

7.          Mesencephalic tract of the trigeminal nerve¡]¤T¤e¯«¸g¤¤¸£®|¡^

8.          Principle sensory (pontine) nucleus of the trigeminal nerve¡]¤T¤e¯«¸g¥D­n·Pı©Î¾ô¸£®Ö¡^--- It serves tactile and pressure functions for the face, mouth and nose supplied by the sensory root (11). Cells in the dorsomedial part of this nucleus give rise to a small bundle of uncrossed fibers which ascend and form the dorsal trigeminothalamic tract. Cells in the ventral part of this nucleus give rise to a larger, entirely crossed bundle of fibers which join into the above-mentioned ventral trigeminothalamic tract.

9.          Motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve¡]¤T¤e¯«¸g¹B°Ê®Ö¡^--- This branchial efferent nucleus sends the motor root (11) to the muscles of mastification.

10.      Sensory root of the trigeminal nerve¡]¤T¤e¯«¸g·Pı®Ú¡^

11.      Motor root of the trigeminal nerve¡]¤T¤e¯«¸g¹B°Ê®Ú¡^

12.      Pontine raphe nucleus¡]¾ô¸£Á_®Ö¡^--- It is sending serotoninergic fibers to supply the pons and cerebellum.

13.      Transverse pontine fibers¡]¾ô¸£¾î¦æÅÖºû¡^

14.      Longitudinal pontine fibers¡]¾ô¸£Áa¦æÅÖºû¡^--- The pyramidal tract is parceled into fascicles by transverse fibers

15.      Corticopontine fibers¡]¥Ö½è¾ô¸£ÅÖºû¡^--- They continue to synapse upon pontine nuclei (17).

16.      Medial lemniscus¡]¤º°¼¿á¨t¡^

17.      Nuclei pontis¡]¾ô¸£®Ö¡^

18.      Spinal lemniscus¡]¯áÅè¿á¨t¡^

19.      Lateral lemniscus¡]¥~°¼¿á¨t¡^

20.      Ventral trigeminothalamic tract¡]¸¡°¼¤T¤e¥C¸£®|¡^--- Above this level, the ventral trigeminothalamic tract, combined with the dorsal trigeminothalamic tract, is called the trigeminal lemniscus¡]¤T¤e¿á¨t¡^.

21.      Central tegmental tract¡]¤¤¥¡»\®|¡^

22.      Locus ceruleus¡]ÂÅ´³®Ö¡^= Substantia ferruginea¡]ù×½è¡^= Nucleus pigmentous¡]¦â¯À®Ö¡^

23.      Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (DLF)¡]­I°¼Áa§ô¡^


Lower Midbrain

1.          Trochlear decussation¡]·Æ¨®¥æ¤e¡^

2.          Cerebral aqueduct¡]¤j¸£¾É¤ôºÞ¡^

3.          Ventrolateral part of the periaqueductal gray matter¡]¾É¤ôºÞ©P½èªº¸¡¥~°¼³¡¡^--- This region contains enkephalinergic neurons projecting to the magnus raphe nucleus of the medulla with a significant role in the suppression of pain sensation.

4.          Mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve¡]¤T¤e¯«¸g¤¤¸£®Ö¡^

5.          Principle sensory (pontine) nucleus of the trigeminal nerve¡]¤T¤e¯«¸g¥D­n·Pı©Î¾ô¸£®Ö¡^

6.          Trochlear nucleus¡]·Æ¨®¯«¸g®Ö¡^

7.          Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF)¡]¤º°¼Áa§ô¡^

8.          Tectospinal tract¡]¥|Å|Åé¯áÅè®|¡^

9.          Mesencephalic raphe nucleus¡]¤¤¸£Á_®Ö¡^--- It sends an enormous serotoninergic projection to both cerebral hemispheres via the medial forebrain bundle.

10.      Compact part of the substansia nigra¡]¶Â½èªº½o±K³¡¡^

11.      Reticular part of the substansia nigra¡]¶Â½èªººôª¬³¡¡^

12.      Basis pedunculi¡]°ò¸}¡^= Crus cerebri¡]¤j¸£¸}¡^

13.      Ventral tegmental nuclei¡]¸¡»\®Ö¡^--- They contain mesocortical dopaminergic neurons projecting to the frontal cortex, and mesolimbic dopaminergic neurons projecting to the nucleus accumbens (a ventral part of the corpus striatum).

14.      Interpeduncular nucleus¡]¸}¶¡®Ö¡^

15.      The decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncles¡]¤W¤p¸£¸}¥æ¤e¡^

16.      Corticopontine fibers¡]¥Ö½è¾ô¸£ÅÖºû¡^

17.      Corticonuclear fibers¡]¥Ö½èºôª¬ÅÖºû¡^

18.      Corticospinal fibers¡]¥Ö½è¯áÅèÅÖºû¡^

19.      Corticopontine fibers¡]¥Ö½è¾ô¸£ÅÖºû¡^

20.      Medial lemniscus¡]¤º°¼¿á¨t¡^

21.      Central tegmental tract¡]¤¤¥¡»\®|¡^

22.      Spinal lemniscus¡]¯áÅè¿á¨t¡^

23.      Trigeminal lemniscus¡]¤T¤e¿á¨t¡^

24.      Lateral lemniscus¡]¥~°¼¿á¨t¡^

25.      Inferior colliculus¡]¤U¥C¡^

26.      Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (DLF)¡]­I°¼Áa§ô¡^


Upper Midbrain

1.          Cerebral aqueduct and periaqueductal gray matter¡]¤j¸£¾É¤ôºÞ»P¾É¤ôºÞ©P½è¡^

2.          Oculomotor nucleus¡]°Ê²´¯«¸g®Ö¡^

3.          Cuneiform nucleus¡]·¤ª¬®Ö¡^--- It projects upward within the central tegmental tract to participate in arousal mechanisms (ARAS = ascending reticular activating system) at thalamic level. ¡iReticular Nuclei Involving the ARAS ® Central tegmental tract ® Thalamic intralaminar nuclei (especially the central median nucleus) ® Neostriatum, Cerebral anterior lobe, and Parietal cortex¡j

4.          Mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve¡]¤T¤e¯«¸g¤¤¸£®Ö¡^

5.          Principle sensory (pontine) nucleus of the trigeminal nerve¡]¤T¤e¯«¸g¥D­n·Pı©Î¾ô¸£®Ö¡^

6.          Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF)¡]¤º°¼Áa§ô¡^

7.          Tectospinal tract¡]¥|Å|Åé¯áÅè®|¡^

8.          Compact part of the substansia nigra¡]¶Â½èªº½o±K³¡¡^

9.          Reticular part of the substansia nigra¡]¶Â½èªººôª¬³¡¡^

10.      Basis pedunculi¡]°ò¸}¡^= Crus cerebri¡]¤j¸£¸}¡^

11.      Oculomotor nerve¡]·Æ¨®¯«¸g¡^--- It traverses the red nucleus prior to emergence in the interpeduncular forssa.

12.      Ventral tegmental nuclei¡]¸¡»\®Ö¡^--- They contain mesocortical dopaminergic neurons projecting to the frontal cortex, and mesolimbic dopaminergic neurons projecting to the nucleus accumbens (a ventral part of the corpus striatum).

13.      Interpeduncular nucleus¡]¸}¶¡®Ö¡^

14.      Mesencephalic raphe nucleus¡]¤¤¸£Á_®Ö¡^--- It sends an enormous serotoninergic projection to both cerebral hemispheres via the medial forebrain bundle.

15.      Corticopontine fibers¡]¥Ö½è¾ô¸£ÅÖºû¡^

16.      Corticonuclear fibers¡]¥Ö½èºôª¬ÅÖºû¡^

17.      Corticospinal fibers¡]¥Ö½è¯áÅèÅÖºû¡^

18.      Corticopontine fibers¡]¥Ö½è¾ô¸£ÅÖºû¡^

19.      Rubrothalamic fibers¡]¬õ®Ö¥C¸£ÅÖºû¡^--- They ascend in the central tegmental tract and project to the thalamic VLc, VPLo and area X.

20.      Dentatothalamic fibers of the crossed superior cerebellar peduncle¡]¤W¤p¸£¸}¥æ¤e«áªº¾¦ª¬®Ö¥C¸£ÅÖºû¡^--- They have bypassed the red nucleus and directly project to the thalamic VLc, VPLo and area X. However, some dentate projecting fibers (not shown here) enter the red nucleus.

21.      Medial lemniscus¡]¤º°¼¿á¨t¡^

22.      Trigeminal lemniscus¡]¤T¤e¿á¨t¡^

23.      Spinal lemniscus¡]¯áÅè¿á¨t¡^

24.      Spinotectal tract¡]¯áÅè¥|Å|Åé®|¡^

25.      Superior colliculus¡]¤W¥C¡^

26.      Edinger-Westphal nucleus¡]Edinger-Westphal¤ó®Ö¡^

27.      Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (DLF)¡]­I°¼Áa§ô¡^


Midbrain-Thalamic Junction

1.          Pineal gland¡]ªQªG¸¢¡^

2.          The third ventricle¡]²Ä¤T¸£«Ç¡^

3.          Thalamus¡]¥C¸£¡^

4.          Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (DLF)¡]­I°¼Áa§ô¡^

5.          Pretectal olivary nucleus¡]¥|Å|Åé«e¾ñÆV®Ö¡^

6.          Medial forebrain bundle¡]¤º°¼«e¸£§ô¡^--- It contains fibers passing to and from the hypothalamic area. It merges with the central tegmental tract.

7.          Upward gaze center¡]¦V¤W¾®µø¤¤¤ß¡^

8.          Downward gaze center¡]¦V¤U¾®µø¤¤¤ß¡^--- The two centers receive a crossed projection from an eye field in the frontal lobe and they synapse bilaterally upon the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei.

9.          Compact part of the substansia nigra¡]¶Â½èªº½o±K³¡¡^

10.      Reticular part of the substansia nigra¡]¶Â½èªººôª¬³¡¡^

11.      Fasciculus retroflexus¡]«á©}§ô¡^

12.      Interpeduncular nucleus¡]¸}¶¡®Ö¡^

13.      Red nucleus¡]¬õ®Ö¡^

14.      Frontopontine fibers¡]ÃB¸­¾ô¸£ÅÖºû¡^

15.      Corticonuclear fibers¡]¥Ö½èºôª¬ÅÖºû¡^

16.      Corticospinal fibers¡]¥Ö½è¯áÅèÅÖºû¡^

17.      Parieto-, occipito-, and temporopontine fibers¡]³»¸­¡BªE¸­»Pù®¸­¾ô¸£ÅÖºû¡^

18.      Lateral geniculate body¡]¥~°¼½¥ª¬Åé¡^

19.      Dentatothalamic fibers¡]¾¦ª¬®Ö¥C¸£ÅÖºû¡^

20.      Inferior brachium¡]¤U¥CÁu¡^

21.      Medial geniculate body¡]¤º°¼½¥ª¬Åé¡^

22.      Ventral posterior nucleus of the thalamus¡]¥C¸£ªº¸¡«á°¼®Ö¡^--- It receives the medial, spinal and trigeminal lemnisci (23).

23.      Medial, spinal and trigeminal lemnisci¡]¤º°¼¡B¯áÅè»P¤T¤e¿á¨t¡^

24.      Centromedian nucleus of the thalamus¡]¥C¸£ªº¤¤¥¡¥¿¤¤®Ö¡^--- It projects to the subthalamic nucleus (25) and the lentiform nucleus.

25.      Subthalamic nucleus¡]µø¥C¤U®Ö¡^

26.      Habenular nucleus¡]Å·®Ö¡^

27.      Habenular commissure¡]Å·³s¦X¡^