@ Introduction to Ear
1. External ear Þ Auricula (Pinna) : External acoustic meatus
2. Middle ear Þ Tympanic membrane : Tympanic cavity : Auditory ossicles:Malleus (鎚骨)、Incus (砧骨)、Stapes (鐙骨) : Tensor tympani m. (由Trigeminal nerve支配) : Stapedius m. (由Facial nerve支配) : Auditory tube (Eustachian tube) : 以Oval windon = Fenestra vestibuli (前庭窗、卵圓窗)與內耳為界。由於Oval window的面積比Tympanic membrane小,再加上三個聽小骨的槓桿作用,所以當聲音振動由Tympanic membrane傳到Oval window時,已被放大了16-22倍。
※ Tympanic cavity的前壁有三個通道:上為容納Tensor tympani m.的管道,中為Auditory tube,下為Corda tympani nerve的出口。內壁有Promontory (由1st turn of the cochlea所造成)與Tympanic plexus。外壁有Tympanic membrane。後壁由上至下有Mastoid air cells入口、Mastoid antrum入口、椎體、Corda tympani nerve的入口。
3. Internal ear可分為二部份:
(1) Osseous (Bony) labyrinth (骨性迷路) Þ 與Membranous labyrinth之間充滿Perilymph,此腔藉由Cochlear canaliculus與Subarachnoid space相通,Perilymph的成份也與CSF相似。Bony labyrinth包括三部份:
(a) Vestibule (前庭) Þ 在外側壁有Oval window,Stapes的底部即以Annular ligament附於其上。Oval window的下方有Round window = Fenestra cochleae (耳蝸窗、圓窗),覆蓋此窗的膜又稱Second tympanic membrane (第二鼓膜),其功用為緩衝聲音振動時來自Oval window的Perilymph的液體壓力。在Vestibule內有屬於Membranous labyrinth的Saccule與Utricle。
(b) Bony semicircular canals (骨性半規管) Þ 可分為Anterior、Posterior與Lateral三個,每個有一端膨大,稱為Ampulla (壺腹)。
(c) Cochlea (耳蝸) Þ 以Modiolus (蝸軸)旋轉2½圈。
(d) Internal acoustic meatus Þ 從Modiolus來的Cochlear nerve以及從Vestibuli來的Vestibular nerve會合成Vestibulo-cochlear nerve,然後經由Internal acoustic meatus通至Posterior cranial fossa,而在Medullo-pontine junction處進入Brainstem。
(2) Membranous labyrinth (膜性迷路) Þ 內部充滿Endolymph,由Cochlear duct外側壁的Stria vascularis (血管紋) -- 特化的高度血管化結締組織 -- 上覆的Stratified cuboidal epithelium所製造,在Membranous labyrinth內循環後,最終經由Utriculosaccular duct分出的Endolymphatic duct輸送到一盲囊 --Endolymphatic sac,而被吸收回去。Endolymph的成份與Perilymph大不相同,Endolymph和細胞內液一樣,有著高濃度的Potassium ions與低濃度的Sodium ions。
(a) Vestibular labyrinth Þ 內部構造為:Perilymphatic space、Utricle (橢圓囊)、Semicircular ducts (半規導管)、Utriculosaccular duct (橢圓球囊管)、Endolymphatic duct、Saccule (球囊)、 Ductus reuniens (連合管)。
(b) Cochlear labyrinth Þ 內部構造為:Perilymphatic space (= Scala vestibuli : Scala tympani)、Endolymphatic space (= Scala media = Cochlear duct)。Cochlear labyrinth被Vestibular membrane (Reissner’s membrane) 與Basilar membrane分成三個螺旋狀空間,上與下分別是Scala vestibuli (前庭階) 與Scala tympani (鼓階),中間則是Scala media = Cochlear duct (中間階、耳蝸導管)。Scala vestibuli和Scala tympani均內襯未特化的Simple squamous epithelium。Scala vestibuli起於Oval window,Scala tympani止於Round window,此二階在Cochlea的頂端以Helicotrema (蝸孔)相連接。
@ Structure of the Organ of Corti
1. Basilar membrane (基底膜) Þ The basilar membrane is not under tension, but has a stiffness that varies 100-fold from one end to the other. This membrane is narrowest and stiffest at the base of the cochlea (高頻:0.08 mm) and widest and most pliable near the helicotrema (低頻:0.52 mm).
2. Sensory cells = Inner (one row) and outer (three to five rows) hair cells Þ 每個Inner hair cell的頂部有50-70根Stereocilia,而Outer hair cell則有100-300根。
3. Peripheral processes of the cochlear nerve cells Þ 90-95%為Myelinated fibers,終止於Inner hair cells的底部;5-10%為Unmyelinated fibers,與Outer hair cells接觸。它們的Cell body位於Spiral ganglion。
4. Inhibitory efferent cochlear bundle (= Olivocochlear bundle) Þ 源自Cholinergic neurons surrounding the principal and accessory superior olivary nuclei,經由Vestibular nerve root穿出腦幹,再經由Vestibulocochlear anastomosis進入Cochlear nerve。與Hair cells或Cells of the spiral ganglion發生聯會,作用是抑制Auditory nerve對Acoustic stimuli起反應 (Feedback control)。
5. Supporting cells Þ 包括:(1) Inner and outer pillar cells、(2) Inner and outer phalangeal cells、(3) Border cells、(4) Cells of Hensen = Outer border cells。
6. Tectorial membrane (覆膜) Þ 由細纖維構成,含Glycosaminoglycans。此膜蓋住整個Organ of Corti,而Hair cells的Stereocilia尖端即埋入此膜中。
@ Function of the Organ of Corti
1. 聲波 (空氣的振動) Þ External acoustic meatus Þ Tympanic membrane Þ Malleus、Incus、Stapes Þ Oval window Þ Perilymph in the vestibuli,產生壓力波 Þ Perilymph in the scala vestibuli Þ Vestibular membrane產生振動 Þ Endolymph in the cochlear duct,產生壓力波 Þ Basilar membrane產生振動 Þ 多餘的振動引起Perilymph in the scala tympani產生壓力波 Þ 被Round window的Second tympanic membrane緩衝後消失
2. Basilar membrane產生的振動 Þ 振動Hair cells Þ 拉彎Stereocilia,而使其尖端在Tectorial membrane內滑行 Þ Hair cells去極化,釋放Neurotransmitter Þ Peripheral processes of the cochlear nerve cells產生Action potential Þ Auditory pathway
3. 人耳所能接受的聲音頻率為20-20000 Hz,相當於11個八度音。樂器(鋼琴)能發出7個八度音。隨著年齡增加,對於高頻音會漸漸不敏感。一般談話的頻率在300-3000 Hz之間。
@ Ascending Fibers in the Auditory Pathway
1. Tonotopic arrangement
2. Cochlear nerve Þ Ventral and dorsal cochlear nuclei Þ Dorsal (源自Dorsal cochlear nucleus)、Intermediate (源自Dorsal portion of the ventral cochlear nucleus)、Ventral (源自Ventral cochlear nucleus) acoustic striae Þ 少數終止於同側的Superior olivary nucleus;多數橫過橋腦形成Trapezoid body,而進入對側的Superior olivary nucleus Þ Passing fibers through the superior olivary nucleus : Fibers from the third-order neurons in the nucleus of trapezoid body and superior olivary nucleus Þ Lateral lemniscus Þ 多數終止於Inferior colliculus,一些在Nucleus of lateral lemniscus內轉換 Þ 少數Passing fibers from the inferior colliculus through inferior brachium Þ Medial geniculate body (MGB) Þ Auditory radiation via the sublentiform part of the internal capsule Þ Auditory cortex = Primary auditory area = Heschl’s convolution = Areas 41 and 42
3. Secondary auditory area = Auditory association cortex = Area 22
@ Descending Fibers in the Auditory Pathway Þ For auditory sharpening
1. Cortico-geniculate fibers
2. Cortico-collicular fibers
3. Colliculo-olivary fibers
4. Colliculo-cochleonuclear fibers
5. Olivo-cochlear bundle of Rasmussen
@ Localization of Sound
1. Superior olivary nucleus Þ 分析並比較聲音到達的時間 (頻率低於500 Hz者),或聲音的強度 (頻率高於1000 Hz者)。
2. Inferior colliculus Þ 根據上述來解釋並判斷聲音的方位。
@ Auditory Reflexes
1. Stapedial reflex (8進7出)
※ Primary auditory neurons Þ Ventral cochlear nucleus Þ Trapezoid body Þ Bilateral medial superior olivary nucleus Þ Facial motor neurons Þ Contraction of the stapedius muscle Þ Dampen the oscillations of the ear ossicles in response to high levels of acoustic stimuli
2. Tensor tympani reflex (8進5出) Þ 功能類似上者。Diminish the sensitivity of the tympanic membrane to loud sounds by tensing the membrane。
3. Auditory sharpening Þ 由Inferior colliculus、Nuclei of lateral lemniscus、Principal superior olive投射到Cochlear nuclei,抑制某些聲音頻率,而讓特定想聽的聲音頻率更強化。
4. Startle reflex (驚嚇反射)
@ Clinical Correlation
1. Conduction deafness (傳導性耳聾) Þ 起因於中耳疾病,例如Otitis media (中耳炎)、Otosclerosis (耳硬化)、耳垢過多,造成Ossicular chain的Fixation或Interruption。耳硬化患者通常喪失患(單)側的30-65分貝的聽力,有Tinnitus (耳鳴),但沒有Vertigo (暈眩),在高聲喧鬧中反而覺得聽力較好 (Paracusis;錯聽)。
2. Nerve deafness (神經性耳聾) Þ Cochlear nerve或Cochlear nuclei的損傷 (ex: Acoustic neurinoma),會造成受傷側的全聾但無耳鳴;單側的Lateral lemniscus或Auditory cortex的損傷會造成雙側的部分耳聾但對側較嚴重;單側的Temporal cortex切除則會損害對側的Sound localization。
3. High tone deafness (高音聾) Þ 長期暴露在噪音環境下,造成Organ of Corti的退化所致。
4. Hyperacusis (聽覺過敏) Þ 由於Tensor tympani muscle或Stapedius muscle (ex: Bell’s facial palsy) 的癱瘓所致,造成Tensor tympani reflex 或Stapedial reflex無法運作,因而聽到的聲音較正常者聽到的為大。
5. Word deafness or acoustic verbal agnosia = Receptive aphasia (聽語聾、感覺性失語症) Þ Sensory speech area of Wernicke (Areas 22, 39, 40) 受損所致。
@ Static Labyrinth (靜態迷路) Þ 偵察頭部的Linear acceleration,以及靜止時頭部的方位。當眼睛閉起、處於黑暗、或在水中時,這種感覺特別重要。
1. Utricle and saccule (= Otolithic organ) Þ 內襯胚胎時由Otic vesicle來的Simple cuboidal epithelium。Utricle對Vertical acceleration特別敏感,而Saccule對Dorsoventral acceleration特別敏感。
2. Macula (斑) Þ 在Utricle與Saccule內,由Simple cuboidal epithelium特化的感覺上皮,約2-3 mm。含有數種重要構造:
(1) Sensory cells = Hair cells Þ 基本構造和Organ of Corti的Hair cells相同。每個Hair cell有40-80根Stereocilia與一根Kinocilium (動纖毛)。纖毛頂端插入Otolithic membrane (耳石膜),此膜內含Glycoprotein,可能為Supporting cells所分泌,另外膜表面還有Calcium carbonate結晶,稱為Otoliths = Otoconia = Statoliths = Statoconia (耳石、耳沙)。耳石使得Otolithic membrane的比重大於Endolymph,因此除非Macula是位於絕對水平狀態,否則Hair cells的纖毛都會被Otolithic membrane壓向某個方向彎曲。當Stereocilia向著Kinocilium的方向彎曲時,就會使Hair cell興奮。
(2) Peripheral processes of the vestibular nerve cells Þ 當它們進入Macula後,會失去Myelin sheath,終止於Hair cells的底部。它們的Cell body位於Vestibular ganglion = Scarpa’s ganglion,位於Internal acoustic meatus的底部。
(3) Excitatory efferent vestibular bundle Þ 源自Cholinergic neurons lie along the lateral border of the abducens nucleus。作用是Modulate the dynamic range of afferents to match expected acceleration。
(4) Inhibitory efferent fibers in the vestibular nerve bundle Þ 源自Superior and medial vestibular nuclei與Fastigial nucleus of the cerebellum。與Type 2 hair cells或Afferent nerve terminals connected with the type 1 hair cells發生聯會,作用是Feedback control。
(5) Supporting cells
@ Kinetic Labyrinth (動態迷路) Þ 偵察頭部的Angular acceleration,對頭部的旋轉有敏銳的反應。
1. Anterior, posterior and lateral simicircular ducts
2. Ampulla (壺腹)
3. Crista ampullaris Þ 為Ampulla內的感覺受器,其擺動方向與Endolymph的流向垂直。運動時,因為慣性的作用,Crista ampullaris內的Cupula會因應運動的開始、進行、停止而產生不同的流動方向,使得與Cupula接觸的Hair cells產生興奮或抑制的反應,而偵測到頭部旋轉的方向。Crista ampullaris不論是在構造上或神經支配模式上均與Macula相同:
(1) Sensory cells = Hair cells Þ 纖毛頂端插入Cupula (頂),此頂內含Gelatinous glycoprotein,但無Calcium carbonate結晶,因此它是懸浮在Endolymph中,無重量的,唯有頭部做角加速度運動時,Hair cells才會被刺激。所以Simicircular ducts有Kinetic labyrinth之稱。每個Hair cell的Kinocilium都是位於Stereocilia靠近Ampulla開口入Utricle的那一端,因此當Endolymph由Ampulla流入Utricle時,就會興奮Hair cells;反之則會抑制Hair cells的興奮。事實上,即使Stereocilia不彎曲時,Macula與Crista ampullaris的Hair cells也會自發性放電,稱為Tonic discharge。
(2) Peripheral processes of the vestibular nerve cells Þ 當它們進入Macula後,會失去Myelin sheath,終止於Hair cells的底部。它們的Cell body位於Vestibular ganglion = Scarpa’s ganglion,位於Internal acoustic meatus的底部。Scarpa’s ganglia又可分為:(1) Superior ganglion,接受源自Anterior and lateral semicircular ducts與Utricle的感覺神經傳入;(2) Inferior ganglion接受源自Saccule與 Posterior semicircular duct的感覺神經傳入。
(3) Excitatory efferent vestibular bundle Þ 源自Cholinergic neurons lie along the lateral border of the abducens nucleus。作用是Modulate the dynamic range of afferents to match expected acceleration。
(4) Inhibitory efferent fibers in the vestibular nerve bundle Þ 源自Superior and medial vestibular nuclei與Fastigial nucleus of the cerebellum。與Type 2 hair cells或Afferent nerve terminals connected with the type 1 hair cells發生聯會,作用是Feedback control。
(5) Supporting cells
@ Primary Vestibular Fibers
1. Central processes (Vestibular nerve) of the bipolar neurons in the vestibular ganglion Þ
(1) Short ascending branches Þ Superior and lateral vestibular nuclei as well as the rostral part of the medial vestibular nucleus
(2) Long descending branches Þ Inferior vestibular nucleus
(3) Collaterals of the descending fibers Þ Caudal part of the medial vestibular nucleus
2. Vestibular nerve Þ Traverse portions of the lateral and superior vestibular nuclei Þ Juxtarestiform body of the inferior cerebellar peduncle Þ Mossy fibers Þ Fastigial nucleus, nodulus, uvula and flocculus
@ Secondary Vestibular Fibers
1. Vestibulo-cerebellar pathway:Caudal portions of the medial and inferior vestibular nuclei Þ Juxtarestiform body of the inferior cerebellar peduncle Þ Mossy fibers Þ Vestibulocerebellum (Nodulus : Uvula : Flocculus)
2. Vestibulo-spinal pathway:
(1) Lateral vestibulospinal tract
(2) Medial vestibulospinal tract (= Descending medial longitudinal fasciculus)
3. Vestibulo-ocular connections (= Ascending medial longitudinal fasciculi):Superior (uncrossed), lateral (crossed), inferior (crossed), and medial (both) vestibular nuclei Þ Ascending MLF Þ
(1) Nuclei of the abducens, trochlear, and oculomotor nerves
(2) Accessory oculomotor nucleus
(3) Paramedian pontine reticular formation
@ Clinical Correlation
1. Primary responses Þ 刺激單側的Ampullary nerve from the horizontal (= lateral) semicircular duct可使雙眼的水平轉動偏向對側 (Opposite deviation);刺激雙側的Ampullary nerve from the anterior semicircular duct可使雙眼Upward movement;刺激雙側的Ampullary nerve from the posterior semicircular duct可使雙眼Downward movement。
2. Nystagmus (眼球震顫) Þ Nystagmus有生理性及病理性的。當正常人朝單向轉動頭與身體並意欲凝視一固定物體時,則他的雙眼會以反方向慢速轉動【Slow phase】;但若雙眼的慢速相轉到極限,而頭與身體卻繼續轉動時,則雙眼會立即彈回來【Rapid (fast) phase or compensatory movement】,這種快速相是一種Autonomic reflex correction。Nystagmus肇因於Labyrinthine stimulation。
※ By convention, nystagmus is named by the direction of the fast return saccade phase – for example, as leftward beating nystagmus or downward-beating nystagmus.
3. Rotating chair test (Bárány chair) Þ 人坐在Bárány chair上並轉動一段時間,然後突然停住,則Endolymphatic fluid會碰壁而朝反方向繼續流動。在Postrotational phase期間,無論是Slow phase of nystagmus、Deviation of eyes、Postural deviation (standing)、Past-pointing都會與原轉動方向相同。
4. Vertigo (眩暈) Þ 在上述測試的Postrotational phase期間,測試者會感到與原轉動方向相反的眩暈感。
5. Caloric test (熱測試) Þ 將頭側放,使外側半規管垂直著水平面,再將熱水 (40 °C) 或冷水 (30°C) 灌入外耳道,水溫可使內淋巴液對流,因而刺激前庭系統,再經由Abducens nucleus與MLF來影響Oculomotor nucleus (Vestibulo-ocular connections),而造成眼球的Nystagmus 【COWS:Cold water produces nystagmus beating (= fast phase) to the opposite side;Warm water produces nystagmus beating to the same side。】,同時亦有眩暈之感。此測試可檢驗前庭系統是否受損,若產生Nystagmus與Vertigo,則表示此系統是正常的。
6. Galvanic test (電測試) Þ 以電直接刺激Ampullary nerve endings of the horizontal (= lateral) semicircular duct,同樣可檢驗前庭系統是否正常。
7. Ménière’s disease (耳性眩暈病) Þ 不正常的前庭內淋巴循環、或是內淋巴液過多所致。有耳鳴、強烈眩暈、嘔吐、惡心、臉色蒼白、呼吸急促。
8. Motion sickness (暈車船) Þ 因為車船的過度晃動而過度刺激Utricle所致。