Cranial Nerve 4 – Trochlear Nerve


@   GSE

@   Trochlear Nerve

1.     最小條的腦神經。

2.     唯一自腦幹背面發出的腦神經。

3.     在腦幹背外側面繞過Periaqueductal gray,然後在Superior medullary velum處交叉,再由Inferior colliculus尾端穿到腦幹腹外側面來。(Root fibers cross)

4.     功能 Þ 當眼睛外展時,可以Intort the eye (內扭:眼垂直子午線的上半部,向顏面中線傾斜。);而當眼睛內收時,可以Depress the eye。所以當Trochlear nerve受傷時,會造成Vertical diplopia (垂直複視),尤其是眼睛朝下或朝內、向受傷神經的對側看時,複視情況最嚴重,所以病人會抱怨無法下樓梯。因此病人常會將頭傾斜向受傷神經的對側,做為受傷側眼睛無法內扭的一種捕償作用。(A paresis or paralysis of ocular adduction on attempted downward gaze to the opposite side)


@   Functional Components of the Trochlear Nerve

1.     GSE To superior oblique muscle

2.     GSA (possible) Proprioceptive fibers from the superior oblique muscle ® Communicating branch (in the cavernous sinus) with the trigeminal nerve ® Mesencephalic nucleus