Cranial Nerve 11 – Spinal Accessory Nerve


@   SVE

@   Nuclei Related with the Spinal Accessory Nerve

1.     Most-caudal part of the nucleus ambiguus Þ Branchio-motor (SVE) neurons,支配咽部的收縮肌、喉部的組成肌、食道的骨骼肌。其發出的投射纖維組成Cranial root of the spinal accessory nerve,先通過Foramen magnum上行,然後由Jugular foramen穿出顱骨,再併入Vagus nerve聯合形成Inferior (recurrent) laryngeal nerve

##    Spinal accessory nerve via vagus nerve to innervate

(1)  Uvulae m.

(2)  Levator veli palatini m.

(3)  Palatoglossus m.

(4)  Palatopharyngeus m.

2.     Spinal accessory cranial nucleus Þ 位於C1C5的腹角灰質,含Branchio-motor (SVE) neurons其發出的投射纖維組成Spinal root of the spinal accessory nerve,去支配Sternocleidomastoid muscleUpper part of the trapezius muscle

       Corticonuclear fibers projecting to the spinal accessory nucleus are along with corticospinal fibers and mainly innervate the ipsilateral sternocleido- mastoid and trapezius muscles. The patient with unilateral cortical or internal capsule lesions is unable to shrug that shoulder or to turn the head away from the side of the lesion.

       Torticollis (斜頸) Þ 頸後三角常因穿刺傷或槍傷而損及 Spinal accessory nerve,因而造成 Sternocleidomastoid m. Trapezius m. 的癱瘓。此二肌位在表淺,深具診斷價值,例如在 Basal ganglia 疾病的診斷上,由於肌肉痙攣的關係而造成 Torticollis,病人會將頭斜向痙攣肌的對側Spasmodic torticollis 通常與 Neuroses 有關,情緒壓力會加重病情。