Cranial Nerve 1 – Olfactory Nerve

@   SVA

@   Olfactory System包括:

1.     Olfactory epithelium (嗅上皮)  Pseudostratified columnar epithelium的有些細胞會特化成Receptor neurons,可以快速的Turn over (3060天,全看種族差異性。),異於“神經元不能增殖”的法則。100200Unmyelinated axons聚集成束,由一個Schwann cell所圍繞,這種Schwann cell類似CNSAstrocyteGFAP,反而不像PNSSchwann cell。成束的Unmyelinated axons形成了Olfactory nerve

2.     Olfactory bulb (嗅球)  含有四種細胞:(1) Mitral cell (僧帽細胞)(2) Tufted cell (叢狀細胞)(3) Periglomerular cell (環絲球體細胞)(4) Granule cell (顆粒細胞);以及五層神經結構:(1) Nerve fiber layer (2) Glomerular layer(3) External plexiform layer(4) Mitral cell layer(5) Granule cell layer

        Periglomerular cellGranule cellInterneurons。前者用DopamineGABA當做神經遞質。後者沒有軸突(= Amacrine cell),所用神經遞質為GABA

        Olfaction has no primary projection to the thalamus and the olfactory bulb is the crude indicator of smell (as the thalamus produces crude awareness of pain), because of these, the olfactory bulb has been considered to be an analogue of the thalamus.

3.     Lateral olfactory tract (外側嗅徑)  位於Anterior olfactory nucleus (AON) 的最外側緣,並向背內側緣及內側緣延伸,因此呈馬蹄形環繞著AON。內含Mitral cellsTufted cellsAxons所形成的Centripetal (efferent) fibers (向心纖維),投射至Olfactory cortex;另外亦含由AONPiriform cortex (梨狀皮質)Insulae of Calleja (Calleja氏島)Nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca (Broca氏對角帶核的水平肢)Lateral preoptic area (視前外側核)Nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract (外側嗅徑核) 發出至嗅球的Centrifugal (afferent) fibers (離心纖維)

4.     Anterior limb of anterior commissure (大腦前連合的前肢)  與上者同為向心與離心纖維的行經徑路。AON發出的軸突可經由Anterior limb of anterior commissure,投射至對側的AONOlfactory bulb

5.     Anterior olfactory nucleus (AON) (嗅前核)  位於Lateral olfactory tract的內側,中央為Olfactory ventricle (嗅室),此嗅室乃側腦室前角的突進。嗅前核為一未分化的灰質,吻部緊臨嗅球,背內側部則有副嗅球 (Accessory olfactory bulb)。內含密集的小細胞,充滿整段Olfactory peduncle (嗅腳)。當它接近大腦半球時,其內側部會移行成古老皮質:Anterior hippocampus (前海馬),背側部移行為新皮質:Frontal cortex (額皮質),而外側部則由舊皮質:Prepiriform cortex (前梨狀皮質)所取代。

6.     Olfactory striae (嗅紋)  包含內側、中間與外側嗅紋。內側與外側嗅紋包圍之區即為Olfactory trigone (嗅三角)Lateral olfactory stria ® Piriform cortexIntermediate olfactory stria ® Olfactory tubercleMedial olfactory stria ® Septal area (= Subcallosal areaParaterminal gyrus)

7.     Primary olfactory area (= Piriform cortex)  等於Prepiriform cortex (= Lateral olfactory gyrus = Olfactory relay center) : Posterior piriform cortex : Periamygdaloid cortex : Anterior parahippocampal gyrus (= Uncus)

8.     Olfactory tubercle (嗅結節) = Anterior perforated substance (前穿質) Þ 為舊皮質,內含Insulae of CallejaDiagonal band of BrocaMedial forebrain bundle

9.     Parts of amygdala (部份的杏仁體):它接受Direct olfactory impulse from olfactory bulb . Corticomedial part of amygdala . Stria terminalis . VM nucleus of hypothalamus,此徑與嗅覺引起的食慾有關。或是接受Indirect olfactory impulse via piriform cortex.  Basolateral part of amygdala.  Olfactory tubercle,此徑與嗅覺引起的情緒反應有關。

10. Entorhinal area (= Rhinencephalon) (鼻內區、嗅腦)  Secondary olfactory cortical area。它接受Olfactory impulse  Piriform cortex  Entorhinal cortex  Hippocampal formation,此徑與因嗅覺所感受到的記憶有關。或是Olfactory impulse  Piriform cortex  Entorhinal cortex  Uncinate fasciculus  Frontal cortexAnterior insular cortex

      Piriform cortex and/or Entorhinal cortex  Lateroposterior quadrant of orbitofrontal cortex;或者是Piriform cortex  Magnocellular portion of thalamic mediodorsal nucleus (MDmc) Þ Lateroposterior quadrant of orbitofrontal cortex,這些徑路均與高級的嗅覺的辨識及感受有關。

11. Insula (腦島):可做嗅覺的整合工作。


@   Accessory Olfactory System

1.            Distal processes in the nasal septum  Pass through the cribriform plate Þ Bipolar neurons in small ganglia scattered along the terminal nerve  Central processes become terminal nerve (終末神經) (其位於嗅神經的內側,有第零對腦神經之稱)  Septal and preoptic area。此系統猶存在於人類,對於Reproduction上具有重要性。

2.            Bipolar neurons in vermonasal organ (犛鼻器) = Jacobson’s organ (位於鼻中隔兩側腹部,為一盲管構造,其上被覆著感覺神經元Vermonasal nerve (犛鼻神經) Þ Accessory olfactory bulb【於此,Vermonasal nerveOlfactory bulb中的Mitral/Tufed cells形成Synapses。】  Lateral olfactory tract Þ Amygdala。此系統在人類已退化,但對於大多數哺乳類動物而言,在Sexual behavior (ex: Pheromones)上具有重要性。對於有些非靈長類的哺乳動物或爬蟲類而言,其Vermonasal organ剛好位於Nasopalatine foramen的背側。


@   Clinical Considerations

1.            Fractures of the cribriform plate

2.            Hemorrhage at the base of the frontal lobes

3.            Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea (大腦脊髓液鼻滲漏)

4.            Unilateral loss of olfactory sense or Anosmia (嗅覺缺失) Þ 是顱內腫瘤(尤其是蝶骨嵴或嗅溝的腦膜瘤)的重要診斷指標。

5.            Olfactory hallucinations Þ 涉及到Parahippocampal gyrusUncus或鄰近區域的病變而產生。Uncinate fits (鉤狀束抽搐發作)時,病人也會有Olfactory hallucinations

6.            Alzheimer’s disease Þ 病人也會有Olfactory deficits