
     余豐益  博士              

          (Dr. Feng-Yih Yu) 






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                                                                                         更新日期 8-01-2023 


感謝台灣生物產業發展協會--特別報導本實驗室  (https://taiwanbio.org.tw/zhtw/news/detail/291)-09-15-2021








  中山醫學大學生物醫學科學系教授兼醫學科技學院院長,2023. 8~ 

  中山醫學大學生物醫學科學系教授,2017. 8~ 2023.7

  中山醫學大學生物醫學科學系教授兼系主任,2011. 8~2017.7 

  中山醫學大學生物醫學科學系教授,2006. 6~2011.7

  中山醫學大學生物醫學科學系副教授兼出版組組長,2005. 8~2007. 7

  中山醫學大學生命科學系副教授,2002. 8~2006.5

  中山醫學大學生命科學系助理教授,1999. 8~2002. 7










  1.  食品中黴菌毒素(mycotoxins) 黃麴毒素(Aflatoxin B1, M1)、赭麴毒素(Ochratoxin A)伏馬鎌孢毒素  (Fumonisin B1)、橘黴素 (citrinin)  玉米赤黴烯酮 (Zearalenone) 與藻類毒素如微囊藻毒 (Microcystin) 軟海綿酸(Okadaic acid), 石房蛤毒素 (Saxitoxin) 和多摩酸(Domoic    acid)單株 與多株抗體生產與奈米金粒子(Gold nanoparticles) 快速免疫層析檢驗試劑 (Immunochromatographic strip)之開發與應用

 2.   食品中致癌黴菌毒素如黃麴毒素(Aflatoxin B1, M1)、赭麴毒素(Ochratoxin A)、伏馬鎌孢毒素(Fumonisin B1)和玉米赤黴烯酮 (Zearalenone)  單株抗體的生產與免疫檢驗試劑(ELISA kit) 之開發

 3.  肉類食品中瘦肉精 Ractopamine, Clenbuterol, Salbutamol 、抗生素如氯黴素, 氟甲氯黴素抗體生產與奈米金粒子(Gold nanoparticles) 快速免疫層析檢驗試劑之開發

 4.  中草藥中致癌馬兜鈴酸 (Aristolochic acid)之抗體生產及酵素免疫分析法之開發

 5.  利用酵素免疫分析法 (ELISA) 及高效液相層析分析法 (HPLC)分析鑑定食品、飼料及飲水中致癌毒素的含量與分佈







 106 年度

 2017/08/01~ 2020/07/31


黴菌毒素單株抗體與核酸適體的生產及快速檢測多重毒素之免疫奈米層析試紙開發 (1-3)




科技部台俄國際合作計畫( MOST-106- 2923- B-040-001-MY3)

以奈米金粒子、抗體和酵素的三元共價接合物並調整酵素與抗體的比率來開發瘦肉精之超靈敏酵素免疫分析法 (1)



  2017/04/17/~ 2017/12/31

衛福部食藥署TFDA (MOHW-106-TFDA-A-111),




105 年度



黴菌毒素之單株及單鏈抗體生產及快速檢測多重毒素之免疫奈米試紙開發 (3)



 2016/01/01/~ 2016/12/31





104 年度




黴菌毒素之單株及單鏈抗體生產及快速檢測多重毒素之免疫奈米試紙開發 (2)




科技部專案計畫 (102-2218-E-040-002)

口液中濫用藥物現場即時檢驗之開發與實證 (3)





食品中致癌性亞硝胺之快速篩檢與暴露危害評估 (3)



  2015/01/01/~ 2015/12/31





     2016/02/01~     2016/07/31.





103 年度



黴菌毒素之單株及單鏈抗體生產及快速檢測多重毒素之免疫奈米試紙開發 (1)










口液中濫用藥物現場即時檢驗之開發與實證 (2)






- 勵勝生物科技公司




    2014/08/01~ 2015/07/31





102 年度








食品中致癌性亞硝胺之快速篩檢與暴露危害評估 (1)




國科會專案計畫 -102-2218-E-040-002

口液中濫用藥物現場即時檢驗之開發與實證 (1)





     生物技術學 (Biotechnology) 

     食品安全學 (Food Safety)

    食品微生物及毒理學 (Food Microbiology & Toxicology)

    免疫化學技術 (Immunochemical Techniques)

    蛋白質化學 (Protein Chemistry)

    普通生物學 (Biology)



 中山醫學大學科 技部 111年度補助大專校院特殊優秀人才措施獎勵案 

    中山醫學大學科 技部110年度補助大專校院特殊優秀人才措施獎勵案 

   中山醫學大學科 技部109年度補助大專校院特殊優秀人才措施獎勵案 

  中山醫學大學科 技部108年度補助大專校院特殊優秀人才措施獎勵案

  中山醫學大學科 技部106年度補助大專校院特殊優秀人才措施獎勵案

  中山醫學大學科 技部105年度補助大專校院特殊優秀人才措施獎勵案

  中山醫學大學科 技部104年度補助大專校院特殊優秀人才措施獎勵案

  教育部101-103年度優秀人才獎勵補助 (3年)

  中山醫學大學科 技部100年度補助大專校院特殊優秀人才措施獎勵案

  中山醫學大學科 技部 99年度補助大專校院特殊優秀人才措施獎勵案

  俄羅斯莫斯科大學應邀訪問演講 2010 July.8.(visiting speaker). Production of antibody and development of

           ELISA and immunostrip for rapid detection of mycotoxins and phycotoxins. Moscow State University,

           Moscow, Russia. (台灣俄羅斯國際合計畫交流訪問)

  第二屆世界抗體大會應邀演講 2010. (Invited speaker). Antibody and nanotechnology used in rapid

             environmental toxin detection. Mar.24-26 (Beijing, China)




         Editorial Board: ISRN Toxicology (2010~)

           Analytica Chimica Acta (reviewer, 2013, 2014, 2015

           Analytical Biochemistry (reviewer, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016)

           Biotechnology Journal 審稿 (reviewer,2016)

           Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (SCI) 審稿 (reviewer, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 )

           Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture (SCI) 審稿 (reviewer, 2014, 2015)

           Food Chemistry (SCI) 審稿 (reviewer, 2013, 2014, 2015)

           Food control (SCI) (reviewer, 2014, 2015, 2016)

           Talanta (SCI) (reviewer, 2013, 2014, 2015)          

           Editor: Chung Shan Medical Journal (2005.8~2007.7)


 1. Inventor: Feng-Yih Yu; US patent number 8003766『Monoclonal antibody Specific to ochratoxin    A』  2009~2029.

 2. 勵勝生物科技公司產學合作計畫 (2014-5-20~2015-5-19)

 3. 睿嘉生物科技股份有限公司產學合作計畫 (2014-8~2015-8)

 4. 台灣尖端先進生技醫藥股份有限公司產學合作計畫  (2015-2~2015-7)

 5. 科技部產學合作計畫-瘦肉精快篩試劑開發(台灣尖端先進生技醫藥股份有限公司) (2020/6~2021/5)


    1.  Wu, S. W., Hsieh, C. Y., Liu, B. H., Kin, X. J., Yu, F. Y*. 2024 Novel antibody- and  aptamer-based approach forsenitive

        detection of mycotoxin fusaric acid in cereal. Food Chemistry (In Press, SCI, IF 8.5 )

    2.  Wu, S. W., Chen,Y. J. Chang Y.W., Huang, C Y, Liu, B. H., Yu, F. Y*. 2024 Novel enzyme-linked aptamer-antibody

       sandwich assay and hybrid lateral flow strip for SARS-CoV-2 detection. Journal of Nanobiotechnology 22:5 (SCI, IF 10.2 )

  3.  Tsai, J. F., Wu, T. S., Huang, Y. T., Lin, W. J. Yu, F. Y*., Liu, B. H*., 2023 Exposure to mycotoxin citrinin promotes

       carcinogenic potential of human renal cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 71:19054-19065. (SCI)

   4  Huang, C. L., Wu. S.W., Hsu, T. C., Yang, C. Y., Chung, W-H, Lin, X. J., Liu, B.-H., Yu, F. Y.* 2023. Novel monoclonal

         antibody-based sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and rapid  immunochromatographic strip for sensitive

         detecting  aristolochic acid I in herbal remedies. Microchemical Journal 191:108884 (SCI)

    5.  Tsai, J. F., Wu, T. S., Yu, F. Y*.,  Liu, B. H*. 2023. Neurotoxicity of mycotoxin citrinin: Novel evidence in developing

         zebrafish and underlying mechanisms in human neuron cells. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 171, 113543.(SCI)

    6. Wu, S. W., Ko,J. L., Liu, B. H., Yu F. Y* 2022.Pilot production of a sensitive ELISA kit and an immunochromatographic

         strip for rapid detecting citrinin in fermented rice. RSC Advances 12:19981-19989. (SCI)

    7. Hu, R. H., Wu, C. T., Wu, T. S., Yu, F. Y., Ko, J. L. & Liu, Y. F. 2022. Systematic characterization of the group 2

        house dust mite allergen in Dermatophagoides microceras. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 11: 793559.


    8. Cheng, Y. C., Wu, T. S. Huang, Y. T. Chang, Y. , Yang J. J., Yu, F. Y*.  Liu, B. H. 2021. Aflatoxin B1 interferes with

       embryonic liver development: Involvement of p53 signaling and apoptosis in zebrafish. Toxicology 458:152844-152853

    9. Wu, S. W., Ko, J. L., Liu, B. H., & Yu, F. Y.* 2020. A sensitive two-analyte immunochromatographic strip for

        simultaneously detecting aflatoxin M1 and chloramphenicol in milk. Toxins12(10), 637-649. (SCI)

    10. Wu, T. S., Lin, Y. T., Huang, Y. T., Yu, F. Y*., & Liu, B. H.  2020. Ochratoxin A triggered intracerebral hemorrhage in

         embryonic zebrafish: Involvement of microRNA-731 and prolactin receptor. Chemosphere, 242, 125143. (SCI)

    11. Wu, S. W., Wang, M. Y., Liu, B. H., & Yu, F. Y*. 2020. Sensitive enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay and gold

         nanoparticle immunochromatocgraphic strip for rapid detecting chloramphenicol in food. Journal of Food Safety, 40, 

          e12759. (SCI)

   12.  Wu, T. S., Cheng, Y. C., Chen, P. J., Huang, Y. T., Yu, F. Y*., & Liu, B. H. 2019. Exposure to aflatoxin B1 interferes

          with locomotion and  neural development in zebrafish embryos and  larvae. Chemosphere. 217, 905-913. (SCI)

   13 Wu, S. W., Yu, Y. A., Liu, B. H., Yu, F. Y*. 2018. Development of a sensitive enzyme-linked

           immunosorbent assay and rapid gold nanoparticle immunochromatographic strip for detecting citrinin in Monascus

           fermented food.  Toxins, 10, 354-367 (SCI)

   14.  Huang, Y. T., Wu, T. S., Lu, C. C., Yu, F. Y., Liu, B. H. 2018. Aristolochic acid I interferes with the expression of

           BLCAP tumor suppressor gene in human cells. Toxicology letters, 291,  129-137. (SCI)

   15.  Wu, T. S., Lin, Y. T., Huang, Y. T., Cheng, Y. C., Yu, F. Y., Liu, B. H. 2018. Disruption of liver development and

           coagulation pathway by ochratoxin A in embryonic zebrafish. Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 340, 1-8. (SCI) 

   16.  Liu, B. H.,  Chu, K. C., Yu, F. Y*. 2016. Novel monoclonal antibody-based sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent

          assay and rapid immunochromatographic strip for detecting aflatoxin M1 in milk.  Food Control 66:1-7(SCI)

   17.  Wu, T. S., Yang, J. J., Wang, Y. W., Yu, F. Y*., Liu, B. H*.  2016.  Mycotoxin ochratoxin A disrupts renal development

           via miR-731/prolactin receptor axis in zebrafish. Toxicology Research 5:519-529 (SCI).

   18.   Liu, J. W., Lu, C. C., Liu, B. H., Yu, F. Y.* 2016  Development of novel monoclonal antibodies-based ultrasensitive

          enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and rapid immunochromatographic strips for aflatoxin B1 detection. Food Control  


   19. Tsai, H., Lu, Y. H., Liao, H. X., Wu, S. W., Yu, F. Y., Fuh, C. B. 2015. Detection of rabbit IgG by using functional

          magnetic  particles and an enzyme-conjugated antibody with a homemade magnetic microplate. Chemistry Central Journal.

          9: 8-14. (SCI)

    20 Liu, B. H., Hung, T, C., Lu, C. C, Chou, H. N.,  Yu, F. Y*. 2014. Production of monoclonal antibody for okadaic acid

          and its utilization in an ultrasensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and one-step immunochromatographic strip

          Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 62:1254-1260. (SCI)

    21. Vdovenko, M., Lu, C. C., Yu, F. Y*., Sakharov, I.  2014. Development of ultrasensitive direct chemiluminescent

          enzyme immunoassay for determination of aflatoxin M1 in milk. Food Chemistry 158:310-314. (SCI)   

    22.  Wu, T. S.,  Yang, J. J., Yu, F. Y*.,  Liu, B. H*.  2013. Cardiotoxicity of mycotoxin citrinin and involvement of

          microRNA-138 in zebrafish embryos. Toxicological Sciences 136:402-412.  (SCI)

    23 Vdovenko, M., Hung, C. T.,. Sakharov, I., Yu, F. Y*  2013. Determination of okadaic acid in shellfish by

          using a novel chemiluminescent enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. Talanta 116:343-346. (SCI)  

   24.  Yu. F. Y., Gribas, A., Vdovenko, M., Wang, J. J., Sakharov, I2013.  Development of ultrasensitive direct

          chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay for determination of aflatoxin B1 in food products.  Talanta 107:285-29. (SCI)  

   25  Liu, B. H., Hsu, Y. T, Lu, C. C, Yu, F. Y*.  2013. Detecting aflatoxin B1 in foods and feeds by using sensitive

           rapid enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and gold nanoparticle immunochromatographic strip.  Food Control

           30:184-189 (SCI)

   26.  Wu, T. S., Yang, J. J., Yu, F. Y*, Liu, B. H*. 2012. Evaluation of nephrotoxic effects of mycotoxins, citrinin

          and patulin on zebrafish embryos. Food Chemical Toxicology 50:4398-4404. (SCI)

   27 Yu, F. Y., Vdovenko, M., Wang, J. J., Sakharov, I. 2011.  Comparison of enzyme-linked immunosorbent

          assays with chemiluminescent and colorimetric detection for determination of ochratoxin A in food

          Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 59:809-813.(SCI).

   28.  Wang, J. J., Liu, B. H., Hsu, Y. T., Yu, F. Y*. 2011. Sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

          and gold  nanoparticle immunochromatographic strip for detecting aflatoxin M1 in Milk.

          Food Control. 22:954-959.(SCI) 

   29. Chang, C. H. , Yu, F. Y*., Wu, T. S. Wang, L. T., Liu, B. H.*2011. Mycotoxin citrinin induced cell cycle

         G2/M arrest and numberical chromsomal aberration associated with disruption of microtubule formation in

         human cells. Toxicological Sciences 119:84-92.(SCI)  (equal contribution to the first author)

   30. Yu, F. Y., Wu, T. S., Chen, T. W., Liu, B. H. 2011. Aristolochic acid induced oxidative DNA damage

         associated with glutathione  depletion and ERK1/2 activation in HL-60 cells.  Toxicology in vitro 25:810-816.(SCI) 

   31 . Yu, F. Y., Chu, T. Y., Lian J.D., Wu, S. W., Hung, T, W., Chang, H. R., 2011. Induction of oxidative stress

         and DNA damage in human renal proximal tubular cells by arsistolochic acid. Journal  of Food and

         Drug Analysis. (SCI) 19:114-122. 

   32.  Liu, M. C., Lin, T. H., Wu, T. S., Yu, F. Y., Lu, C. C., Liu, B. H.* 2011. Aristolochic acid I suppressed iNOS

         gene expression and NF-kappa B activation in stimulated macrophage cells. Toxicology Letters 202:93-99. SCI) (in Press)

   33. Shiu, C. M., Wang, J. J., Yu, F. Y.* 2010.  Sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and  rapid one-step

        immunochromatographic strip for fumonisin B1 in grain based food and feed  samples.  Journal of Science of 

        Food and Agriculture 90: 1020-1026. (SCI)  

   34.  Chang,C. H. , Yu, F. Y., Lin, Y. S., Wang, L. T., Liu, B. H. 2009. Activation of ERK and JNK  signaling pathways 

         by mycotoxin citrinin in human cells. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 237 :281-287. (SCI)

   35.  Liao, Y. C., Wu, T. S., Yu, F. Y., Tsai, C. H., Liu, B. H.* 2008. Mycotoxin patulin induced apoptosis in 

          mammalian cells through a p53-independent pathway. Toxicology Letters 183:105-111. (SCI)

   36. Liu, B. H., Tsao, Z. J., Wang, J. J.,  Yu, F. Y.*  2008.  Development of a monoclonal antibody against ochratoxin A 

        and its application in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and gold nanoparticle immunchromatographic strip.  

        Analytical Chemistry 80: 7029-7035. (SCI, IF: 5.287)

   37. Tsao, Z. J., Liao Y. C. Liu, B. H.,  Su, C. C., Yu, F. Y.* 2007. Development of a monoclonal  antibody  

         against domoic acid and its application in enzyme-linked immunosorbent  assay  and colloidal gold immunostrip.

         Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55: 4921-4927. (SCI)

   38Liu, B. H., Wu, T. S., Yu, F. Y., Su, C. C. 2007. Induction of oxidative stress response by the

           mycotoxin patulin in mammalian cells. Toxicological Sciences 95(2):340-347. (SCI)

   39.  Yu, F. Y*., Lin, Y. H., Su, C. C. 2006.  A sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detecting 

          carcinogenic aristolochic acid in in herbal remedies Journal of Agricultural  and Food Chemistry 54: 2496-2501. (SCI)  

   40. Liu, B. H., Wu, T. S., Yu, F. Y., Wang, C. H. 2006. Mycotoxin patulin activates p38 and   

           JNK signaling pathways in human embryonic kidney cells. Toxicological Sciences 89: 423-430. (SCI)  

   41. Yu, F. Y.*,  Liao, Y. C., Chang, C. H., Liu, B. H  2006. Citrinin induces apoptosis in HL-   

           60 cells via mitochondrial pathway. Toxicology Letters 161:  143-151. (SCI)  

   42. Yu, F. Y.*. T-F. Chi, B. H. Liu., Su, C. C. 2005. Development of a sensitive enzyme-linked  immunosorbent 

            assay  for the  determination of  ochratoxin A. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53: 6947-953. (SCI)

   43. Wu, T. S., Yu, F. Y., Su, M. C., , Kan, C. C., Liu, B. H.  2005. Activation of ERK mitogen-activated protein kinase

          by mycotoxin Patulin in human cells. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 207:103-111. (SCI)

   44. Liu, B. H.,  T. S. Wu,  M. C. Su, C. P. Chung,  F. Y. Yu* 2005.  Evaluation of Citrinin occurrence and cytotoxicity in

          Monascus fermentation products.   Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53:170-175. (SCI)

  45. Yu, F. Y*., B. H. Liu, T. S. Wu, T-F. Chi, M. C. Su. 2004. Development of a sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent 

          assay  for the  determination of  domoic acid in shellfish.  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry  52: 5334-5339.


  46.  Liu, B. H., F. Y. Yu, T. S. Wu, S. Y. Li, M. C. Su, M. C. Wang, and S. M. Shih. 2003. Evaluation of genetic risk and

           oxidative DNA damage in mammalian cells exposed to mycotoxins, patulin and citrinin. Toxicology and Applied

           Pharmacology. 191: 255-263.   (SCI)

  47. Liu, B. H., C. Y. Huang, F. Y. Yu, and P. C. Lin. 2003. The presence and expression of aflR gene in various Aspergillus

         species.  Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry. 4:149-155.

  48.  Yu, F. Y*., B. H. Liu, H. R. Chou, F. S. Chu. 2002. Development of a sensitive ELISA for the determination 

          of microcystins in algae. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 50:4176- 4182.(SCI) 

  49.  Liu, B.-H*., Yu, F. Y.  M. H. Chan, and Y. L. Yang. 2002. The effects on mycotoxins,  fumonisin B1 and aflatoxin B1,

           on primary swine alveolar macrophages. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology.180:197-204. (SCI)

  50.  Liu, B.-H., Yu, F. Y.*. 2001. DNA affinity-purified AFLR binds to the 5' upstream regions of aflatoxin pathway genes.

           Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry. 3:84-90.

  51.  Christensen, H., F.-Y. Yu, and F. S. Chu. 2000. Development of a polyclonal antibody-based sensitive Enzyme-linked

             immunosorbent assay for Fumonisin B4. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry  48:1977-1984.(SCI).  

  52  Liu, B.-H., Yu, F. Y., X. Huang, and F. S. Chu. 2000. Monitoring of microcystin- protein phosphatase adduct formation

            with immunochemical methods. Toxicon  38:619-632. (SCI).
  53. Yu, F.-Y. and F. S. Chu. 1999. Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against fumonisin B1.

           Food  and Agricultural Immunology 11:297-306.(SCI)
  54.  Yu, F.-Y. and F. S. Chu. 1999. Production and characterization of monoclonal anti-anti-idiotype antibodies against

            fumonisin B1. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 47:4815-4820.(SCI).
  55.  Wanjun Yu., F.-Y. Yu, D. Undersander, and F. S. Chu. 1999. Immunoassays of selected mycotoxins in hay, silage and

            mixed feed. Food and Agricultural  Immunology 11:307-319.(SCI).

  56.  Yu, F.-Y. and F. S. Chu. 1998. Analysis of fumonisins and AAL toxin by Liquid Chromatography-Enzyme-Linked 

          Immunosorbent Assay. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. Int.  81:749-756. (SCI)

  57.  Yu, F.-Y. and F. S. Chu. 1996. Production and characterization of antibodies against fumonisin B1. Journal of

         Food Protection.   59: 992-997.(SCI)

  58.  Liu, B.-H., F.-Y. Yu, and F. S. Chu. 1996. Anti-idiotype and anti-anti-idiotype  antibodies generated from

         polyclonal antibodies  against microcystin-LR. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 44: 4037-4042. (SCI)


 (B) 研討會論文

Liu, J. W., Lu, C. C., Yu, F. Y.  2014. Production of a monoclonal antibody against aflatoxin B1 and its application in  

         enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and rapid immunochromatographic strip. Presented at American Chemistry Society

        248th Annual Meeting, Aug 10-14,  2014 in San Francisco, CA. USA.     

    2.   Hung, C. T., Yu, F. Y.* 2012. Development of a monoclonal antibody against okadaic acid and its application in

         enzyme- linked  immunosorbent assay and gold nanoparticle immunochromatographic strip.  Presented at 51st Annual

         Meeting of the Society of Toxicology,  March 11-15, 2012  in San Francisco, CA. USA.

    3..  Yu, F. Y. (Invited speaker) 2010.  Antibody and nanotechnology used in rapid environmental toxin detection..

           2nd Annual international Congress of Antibodies. Beijing, China (中國,北京)  

    4.   Wang, J. J.,  Yu, F. Y.*   2008.  Development of  enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and gold nanoparticle 

            immunostrip for Aflatoxin M1. Presented at American Chemistry Society 236th Annual Meeting, Aug  2008.

             Philadelphia, PA, USA.

    5.   Wang, J. J.,  Yu, F. Y.*   2008.  Development of  enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and gold nanoparticle 

             immunostrip for Fumonisin B1.  Presented at Taiwan Biomedical  Annual  Meeting, March  2008.

    6   Tsao, Z. J., Liao Y. C. Liu, B. H.,  Su, C. C., Yu, F. Y.* 2007.  Production of monoclonal antibody against 

            ochratoxin A and  its application to enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and colloidal gold immunostrip. 

           Presented at Taiwan Biomedical  Annual  Meeting, March 2007.     

    7. Tsao, Z. J.,  Yu, F. Y.* 2006.  Production of monoclonal antibody against domoic acid  and  its application to 

           enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and colloidal gold immunostrip. Presented at Taiwan Algae Society Annual   

             Meeting,  Nov 2006.   

    8.  Liu, B. H., F. Y. Yu.*  2002. Production and characterization of antibodies for detection of microcystins and domoic acid.

            International symposium on harmful algae management and mitigation in the area of south China sea.  Dec. 2002.

            (Invited  speaker)    

    9. Liu, B. H., F. Y. Yu, and T. H. Chiu. 2000. Binding of AFLR to the 5' upstream regions of aflatoxin pathway genes. 

           Presented at Taiwan Biomedical Annual Meeting, March 2000.    

    10. Yu, F.-Y. and J. F. Leslie, and F. S. Chu. 1998. Immunochemical screening of  Fusarium cultures for their ability to 

          produce  fumonisins.   Presented at American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Annual Meeting, May 1998.

 (C) 專書及專書論文

    1. Yu, F.-Y. 1997. Immunochemical studies on fumonisins. Ph.D dissertation. 

        University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, Wisconsin.
   2. 余豐益. 1999. 免疫檢驗試劑技術原理與發展趨勢.經濟部產業技術叢書.1999 年7月出版

   3. 余豐益. 2003. 免疫診斷技術. 教育部生物技術科技改進計--分子檢驗第五章  64-84 pp.