慢性腎臟病 Chronic Kidney Disease佳文必讀 | ||
1 | Chronic kidney disease | (重點提示: 本文是CKD基礎教學文章) |
2 | Detection and evaluation for patients with CKD | (重點提示: 本文美國家醫科推薦處置CKD的基礎教學文章 |
3 | Management of CKD, what is the evidence? 2010 review | |
4 | CKD manegement update 2005 | |
5 | Prevelance of CKD in US | |
6 | An update on pruritus associated with CKD. 2007 AJKD | (重點提示: 本文是CKD病患皮膚癢的review) |
7 | Uremic pruritus in the maintenance HD patients 203 | (重點提示: 本文是HD病患皮膚癢與CRP有關) |
8 | Pentoxifylline(Trental)對於慢性腎臟病的病人的保護作用(中文) | |
9 | 慢性腎臟病患者的血脂異常和治療(中文) | |
10 | 合併使用ACEI和ARB:對於腎臟保護是否有加成療效呢?(中文) | |
11 | TreatmentofBleedinginDialysisPatients | Seminars in Dailysis 2009; 22:279-286 [下載] |
12 | Dual blockade of the renin-angiotensin system for cardiorenal protection: an update. | Am J Kidney Dis. 2009 Feb;53(2):332-45 [下載] |